Panzer Grenadier Battles on June 2nd:
Broken Axis #35 - Operation Katja Scenario 3: Commence Operation Katja Broken Axis #36 - Operation Katja Scenario 4: Calculated Risk
Saipan, scenario five: Punishment on Yellow Beach
Author JayTownsend
Method Solo
Victor Draw
Play Date 2012-11-29
Language English
Scenario Saip005

Disclosure, I am the Designer and feel all my scenarios fall into the range of 4-5, 90-100% or I wouldn’t have created them, so take my ratings with a grain of salt! The only reason any are a 4, is because they are more difficult to make from design to development.

Saipan, scenario five: Punishment on Yellow Beach

Mixed Japanese heavy guns of both the Army and Naval emplacements with Infantry support are assaulted by Marines and some Army LTV A’s and Naval Air-support. Both sides have different victory conditions but the trick to this scenario is achieving yours while denying the enemies.

The Americans enter the battlefield either on the beach or water but must move in fast to assault all those big Japanese guns, the Americans spread out on a broad approach which exposed too many units to begin with but too late now! The Japanese have clumped together in two defensive areas again maybe a mistake on their part but again too late now! The first air strike against a Japanese gun entrenchment resulted in a dice roll of 12 with 28 points of direct fire with a +2 modifier for an artillery target but a -2 with the entrenchment target but the end result was still a 2X, totally wiping out one large gun. Not everything went the Americans way either, losing an Infantry loaded LVT and some LVT A’s and a few Infantry steps as well. But in little time the Americans had control of two entrenchments and had over 20 steps on or east of the main road but they also lost 9 steps. Both sides achieved a victory, resulting in a draw.

Looking back, I was not happy with my American attack approach or my Japanese setup defense. This scenario has a small margin of error for either side to win out right, and more thinking in the details to make this puzzle workout in one side or the others favor. Next time, it will be more interesting to see if I can do better!

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