Panzer Grenadier Battles on June 2nd:
Broken Axis #35 - Operation Katja Scenario 3: Commence Operation Katja Broken Axis #36 - Operation Katja Scenario 4: Calculated Risk
Ragged Edge of Disaster
Author Matt W
Method Solo
Victor Germany
Play Date 2012-11-29
Language English
Scenario CCV1005

In this scenario, the Polish player has inferior troops holding a river line while the Germans not only have superior troops but also have plenty of armor to help keep things honest.

The Poles set up with their entrenchments and minefields to disrupt the potential crossing sites. A strong force of ON, HMGs and the 37mm AT are in the town with the bridge and the remainder of the troops are scattered to defend the three other crossing sites where there is only one hex of river to cross.

The Germans enter entirely in the south, with the clear intention to cross the river there. While the crossing site is remote from many of the victory point hexes the Germans have a trick up their sleeve. Two companies of infantry remain in their vehicles, waiting for the Polish response to the crossing attempt to materialize.

The Poles have to start moving quickly as they have no real transport. Troops are pulled from the two other crossing sites (one by the small town and one north of the larger town on Board 20) and also from the bridge garrison. The initial entry of the engineers into the river is contested by the southern crossing garrison of 2 ON units along with a leader character (Rejewski, just returned from a serious wound). These forces will prove to be a major thorn in the German's side throughout the scenario. The engineers lose a step and are disrupted. Over the next several turns they recover and remove the mines in the crossing area under the direction of Lt. Ascher and Cpt. Stresseman. Kapitan Rozycki brings up the Polish heavy weaponsry (HMGs) and sets up a strong position in the woods to the north of the crossing point.

As more and more Poles are committed to fighting against the crossing attack the German major springs his trap. The still mounted infantry are sent to attack the bridge which is held by two platoons (an HMG and an ON). While the fight continues for 5 turns before the Poles are pushed away from the bridge, the Polish force cannot reverse its position as it has committed to the defense of the southern crossing. Despite the control of the bridge and the surrounding towns and entrenchments the Germans are barely able to squeak out a victory 28-23. The breakthrough came too late for any effective pursuit leading to greater VPs.

Nevertheless a win is a win and this was a first for the Germans in this campaign. I really enjoy river crossing scenarios in PG and this is an interesting one as the Poles have no artillery whatsoever. Their defense is entirely based on being forward and attacking the crossing units repeatedly. Since the ON troops only have a range of 2, the Poles in essence have to defend at the water's edge. I greatly enjoyed this one and give it a "4".

In leader character news, Rejewski falls again with a serious wound and Cpt Stresseman finally leads sufficient assaults to reach the infantry assault badge. No promotions occur so both sides have one Captain. Rejewski will not be available to the Polish force in the upcoming scenario. Unfortunate as he has the rural assault skill. Ascher remains a mess given his inability to maintain his own morale while Wels is slowly improving. The less said about Zygalski (a 7-0-0 Lt. for the Poles) the better. Rozycki with a plus 2 on the promotion roll remains the primary threat to become a Major although Stresseman with a plus 1 now has a theoretical chance.

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