Panzer Grenadier Battles on June 2nd:
Broken Axis #35 - Operation Katja Scenario 3: Commence Operation Katja Broken Axis #36 - Operation Katja Scenario 4: Calculated Risk
Hills are for Heros
Author plloyd1010 (Soviet Union)
Method Face to Face
Victor Japan
Participants WightTiger
Play Date 2012-11-25
Language English
Scenario PotE002

... but doesn't end as well as the Combat! episode.

Firstly, if you are the Soviet player, you will not win. The scenario falls completely flat in regards to play balance. That said, I'm a history nut and I got a good historical feel from it.

The game opens with a long march to assault hills on board 14 & 16. The attack is poorly supported. It will be close-in attack against an enemy who specializes in assault combat. Indeed an march of doom.

I began marching up between the lakes, planning to attack about turn 8 or 9. My southern column was harassed by Japanese artillery all the way. Fortunately, only being 12 points the effect was small, though some disruption did occur. The troops arrived before the hills pretty much on time.

The northern column split around the trees of board 49. As the wings deployed, the follow-on troops occupied the woods to form a secondary fire base. The weight of the attack went to the northern flank.

The southern column moved up and deployed in the center of the plain. I attacked in a largely linear formation. This mostly due to a lack of time. The first advance spread the Japanese forces out, but otherwise failed to get a lodgement on the hill. Follow on troops were able to get close and largely pin the Japanese line.

The northern forces enveloped the Japanese line via the southern wing. The north part of the northern column had some success in the firefight. Eventually I assaulted the corner of the hill. The assault surprising lasted 3 turns, mostly due to the tenacity of a reduced squad which kept recovering.

The southern column partly gained the hill with its south wing. After multiple direct fire attacks, an assault opportunity presented itself. A failed moral check by the accompanying leader prevent the execution. The north wing was driven back a second time. It had regrouped and would have tried again, but for the end of the game.

The final body count was 19 steps against the Soviets, the Japanese had lost 2. Comrade marshal did understand the situation.

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