Panzer Grenadier Battles on June 2nd:
Broken Axis #35 - Operation Katja Scenario 3: Commence Operation Katja Broken Axis #36 - Operation Katja Scenario 4: Calculated Risk
Pz Lehr 11 Misinterperted intentions
Author PatC
Method Solo
Victor Germany
Play Date 2012-11-20
Language English
Scenario PaLe011

The Allies spot the Axis the 5 southern most village hexes. The Axis paras enter across the swamp and the Axis armor force was divided into two columns. The Paras got bogged down in the eastern most village after coming on late. The left column also got on late but the center column making a dash for the cross roads at bd 33 hex 0606 eliminating the Allied blocking force with just one Lt. escaping. They then exited 6 armor steps and a Lt. a gren and two half-tracks. The left hand column never exited any steps but caused numerous armor and halftrack casualties to the Allies. All this added up to a major axis victory. I'll give this a four because it was so much fun to play but I think the Axis have a definite advantage.

This scenario is actually a combination of the two historical attacks Pz Lehr launched vs the US 9th and 30 Inf Divisions on July 11, 1944. I think I might try to rework them into two separate scenarios. The Attack vs the 9th should be on the Airborne board and the attack vs the 30th should be on the BoB hill/village bd. and another with partially open terrain for the approach. The 30th was reinforced by elements of the 3rd armored div. while the 9th used local assets to repel the attack. In addition a 3rd scenario could be created to simulate the situation just a few days before when the area was covered by a US Cav. Squadron. The reason Pz Lehr was not there earlier were the savage and constant allied air attacks which caused delays and casualties. So to simulate those problems for the Axis, the Allies should get to roll once or maybe even 2 or 3 times on the air strike table before the scenario begins. The axis would set up their units in "road march order" (That is stacked, or not, in a column just as if they were entering the board traveling along a road.) The Allies would then strike a random (1st to roll a 6 in one die.) Axis unit. After these air strikes play would begin normally. I just love these lazer cut pieces.

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