Panzer Grenadier Battles on June 2nd:
Broken Axis #35 - Operation Katja Scenario 3: Commence Operation Katja Broken Axis #36 - Operation Katja Scenario 4: Calculated Risk
The Value of Leaders
Author Dean_P
Method Solo
Victor Soviet Union
Play Date 2012-11-21
Language English
Scenario EFDx066

Soviet forces, while outnumbering the Germans by probably 2:1, had a serious shortage of leaders. While in the push toward the town it didn't make much difference, it made a lot once they got within firing distance. Average morale, and no ability to combine fire condemned the Soviets to trying to overwhelm the Germans.

Soviet infantry attacked the north side of the town, while their tanks moved in from the west. Germans redeployed their anti-tank forces (an anti-tank gun and a sole PzIIIH) to slow the KVs down. With only one tank leader, that wasn't tough. The soviet infantry traded morale state for terrain (once the Germans fired, the soviets moved up). This eventually put them adjacent to one another. Unfortunately, it also resulted in many of the soviet infantry in marginal states. This minimized the fire against the germans and even though eventually the Soviets pushed into town, the Germans were able to reorganize. The Soviets pushed into an assault, but that proved foolish as there was too little firepower to hurt the Germans and in return, they were easily disrupted and/or demoralized.

The KVs finally broke through with about 30 minutes to spare. reinforcing the assault, they too found the high German morale to be difficult to deal with. The game ended with the Soviets controlling the entire town, except for one area where the two sides were locked in assault.

Soviet lost 13 steps, Germans 7. Soviet win, but only barely (and due to the loss of the tank alone). A fun scenario, even though the sides were uneven. The time crunch and the morale differences make it a challenge

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