Panzer Grenadier Battles on June 2nd:
Broken Axis #35 - Operation Katja Scenario 3: Commence Operation Katja Broken Axis #36 - Operation Katja Scenario 4: Calculated Risk
Not much of a holdup, actually...
Author vulcan558
Method Solo
Victor Germany
Play Date 2012-11-21
Language English
Scenario FaoF015

So, I haven't played any wargames at all for a few months, and something small and snappy seemed to be in order as a refresher. This fits the bill perfectly, 12 turns, only 10 pieces in play total, all tanks and no terrain SSRs to deal with. A mixed bag of Pz II, IIIF and IVD platoons will attempt to bypass 4 platoons of Soumas and get off the map. The Germans score VPs for steps that exit, the French for German steps that don't.

This should be a tough one - on paper, the Souma is well protected, packs a heavier punch than anything except the PzIVD, and is almost as fast as it's German counterparts. Luckily for 6th Panzer Regiment, the French have terrible initiative, no armour efficiency and don't have one tank leader per counter.

The result was a very fluid battle, with both sides maneuvering for decisive positions. The French were almost always on the back foot, losing the initiative most turns, and being forced to rely on op fire to hit the Germans before they got out of LOS and/or range. As a result, the only casualty of the entire game was a solitary step of IVD's which were taken out by a lucky throw from the Soumas. All other steps managed to get off the map unscathed, despite the French throwing everything they had at them. Therefore, the Germans pulled off a crushing 11-1 victory on VPs.

Overall, it was fun, and more tense than you might imagine, as a well-handled (and slightly lucky) French force can give the Germans some headaches and force detours that can be fatal in such a short scenario. Definitely one with some replay value, and some interesting tactical possibilities given that the map contains every type of terrain in the game.

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