Panzer Grenadier Battles on June 2nd:
Broken Axis #35 - Operation Katja Scenario 3: Commence Operation Katja Broken Axis #36 - Operation Katja Scenario 4: Calculated Risk
Author Matt W
Method Solo
Victor Poland
Play Date 2012-11-06
Language English
Scenario WhEa027

The "fight or flight" reflex is one which was taught in two courses that I took simultaneously in college (biology and psychology) and I got thoroughly sick of talking about it that semester. Which was more important to survival for the individual organizism was the crux of the matter in explaining behavior.

Luckily for the Poles in this one, they don't have to choose. In order to flee they have to fight through the Soviets. At first there is a certain level of excitement given that the Poles have a large menagerie of armor. Much of it, however, is toothless agaisnt the Soviet tank force, despite their low armor ratings (Bt-5s and -7s with a "1" armor factor). The problem is the very lightweight AT factors of the Polish tanks (2s mostly) and the fact that many of the "better" tank units are already reduced and can easily be shaken.

The scenario played out much better than I thought 5 turns in. At that point the Poles had been bottled up on the first board with little chance to move forward but the Polish AT guns caught some Soviet tanks and a wild attack on other tanks by infantry created two holes through which the bulk of the Polish forces could move. While ultimately only one platoon of infantry support tanks were able to escape that proved to be the winner for the Poles. There was a lot of desperate action by both sides as the Poles pushed to exit and the Soviets maneuvered to stop them which made for fun play.

The key item for the Poles was the fact that the Soviet infantry was all SMGs with a range of 1. This gave the Poles the opportunity to move freely around infantry only forces as the Soviet armor was pulled out of the front line to deal with the "escaping" Polish tanks.

A pretty darnfun little scenario, with lots of action. I give it a "4".

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