Panzer Grenadier Battles on June 2nd:
Broken Axis #35 - Operation Katja Scenario 3: Commence Operation Katja Broken Axis #36 - Operation Katja Scenario 4: Calculated Risk
He Who Would Hold All...
Author Matt W
Method Solo
Victor Austria
Play Date 2012-10-08
Language English
Scenario HbnS001

This one is a good lesson in the concept of concentration. By providing a strong VP incentive for the Schutzbund to take town hexes, the scenario creates the illusion that the job of the regulars is to hold onto as many town hexes as they can, forcing them to spread themselves thinly throughout the dozen or so hexes on the board. Instead of doing this, I set up my regulars in only four hexes. Two in the western town near the Schutzbund entry and two in reserve in the large town to the east.

This concentration formed hexes that the Schutzbund could not assault successfully and the combat settled into a series of fire group actions which stalemated the Schutzbund. by controlling the western town hexes the Austrian regulars forced the Schutzbund to go off road towards the second town providing the Heimwehr reinforcements time to arrive and bolster the defense. On the other hand a passive defense is likely to generate merely a draw so the Heimwehr moved into assaults with the Schutzbund on the flanks and after disruption or demoralization from the regulars direct fire, were able to send them packing.

This is a relatively straightforward scenario which clearly depicts the inability of political troops to move regulars from a defensible position. The Schutzbund did not have the mass or firepower to cause any significant degradation in the regular's defense. The result, then is a bit of a foregone conclusion but fun to play with anyway. The Schutzbund should forget about taking defended hexes and search out those which are undefended and establish defenses there against the eventual counterattack. Anything else is just wishful thinking on their part.

Still a fun scenario in that you rarely have troops like these when you include the regulars, Heimwehr and Schutzbund all in the same fight. I give it a "3" for the novelty.

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