Panzer Grenadier Battles on June 2nd:
Broken Axis #35 - Operation Katja Scenario 3: Commence Operation Katja Broken Axis #36 - Operation Katja Scenario 4: Calculated Risk
One good turn.....
Author waynebaumber (France)
Method Dual Table Setup + Voice Chat
Victor Draw
Participants campsawyer (AAR)
Play Date 2012-10-05
Language English
Scenario FaoF006

Played against Alan Sawyer in one session this si a cracking well balanced exciting scenario. A German all armour force (saving one OBA spotter) has to take on a combined arms force of French who hold a line of small villages. The German player has to get more VPs (Step losses only) and control more town hexes for victory, the French player has to get 5 more VPs than the German for victory. The Germans advance with caution and soon spot a hidden A/T guns which promptly fires and misses the German artillery spotter then promptly calls down an accurate barrage which demoralizes said A/T platoon. The German commander then orders a general advance on the left flank thus avoiding the French tanks who were clustered around the western village. In the next 30 mins the A/T guns are destroyed and the Germans continue the advance the French tanks move out to engage but think better of it and retire again. A French motorcycle unit capture the German artillery spotter as the motor around the countryside trying to avoid the numerous German tanks. Over the next hour though German pressure start to pay dividends and a French H39 is destroyed by the PZIV platoon but it is the PZIIIF's which cause the French commander the most problems, speedy,well armored and with a decent gun, they run around the battlefield making a darn nuisance and by 1030 they have hemmed the French armour into the western side of the battlefield and the light tanks and armoured cars are speeding to the rear nabbing town hexes at will. The French DRG are trying to copy this by retaking hexes when they can but it is looking like a German victory, the French guns seem unable to hit a barn door and their morale is crumbling. The French commander then realises he has to break out of the stranglehold the PZIV and PZIII's have on his movement and try to counterattack the German light tanks, this moves cost another step in losses for the French but works in a limited way as pressure is now put on the PZI's and PZII's. Now came the crucial turn, as Alan advanced into close combat tank v tank, disaster for the Boche as there were no French step losses to one German loss and worse all three German units were demoralized. The game had been saved, could it now be won? The French then counterattacked and tried desperately to get some flanking shots on the PZ111 and though another German tank was scrapped so was another H39. and with the chance of a French victory, in the final turns both side withdrew a little and it was obvious that both side had settled for the draw. *This was a very exciting,tense game as small armour games often are. I has some rotten luck at the start and by GT4 would have taken a draw, Alan's move into assault seemed to be the right one but there I had all the luck (rolled a six on the nine assault column and then all three tanks demoralizing with 8 morale amazing!). Alan the though he would lose but I needed another German tank loss I went for it but instead lost a step myself. Hey ho a draw was more than a fair result. Note that a sneaky French player could always get a draw as he is allowed to vacate the southern edge at any time so technically he could line up all his units on board edge and move off this preventing a German win. But then what would be the point of playing? *

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