Panzer Grenadier Battles on June 2nd:
Broken Axis #35 - Operation Katja Scenario 3: Commence Operation Katja Broken Axis #36 - Operation Katja Scenario 4: Calculated Risk
An Open Space
Author Matt W
Method Solo
Victor Finland
Play Date 2012-09-16
Language English
Scenario AFro002

The terrain is what sets this scenario apart from many of the others in the Arctic Front series. It isn't that the woods are actually deep woods and that clear terrain is actually normal woods. That happens all the time. It is that there is a clear space in the forest. This permits the Soviets to move and the Finns to have clear fields of fire.

The Finns set up on the western edge of the open space and along the road between the two towns. They make no attempt to defend the eastern town whatsoever feeling that such a defense would spread them too thin. The Soviets advance directly towards the western town and decide to use their entire force, with the proviso that any forces rebuffed in the assault will then be detailed to take the eastern town as it is undefended.

As expected the Soviet advance is rudely met and losses occur but a surprising thing happens, the Sovets make many of their morale checks and are able to break the Finnish line on the western edge of the open space. They advance on the town but do not have a sufficient number of surviving leaders to move enough forces forward to be able to take the entire town. The scenario ends with the Soviets contested the southern portion of the town but with a reasonable number of Finns holding them back.

Over the summer I read some American Civil War history and focused on a study of the battle of Chickamauga which also centered around fighting for the few open spaces in a seemingly limitless forest. The fight for this open space was very reminiscent of those descriptions.

I give this one a "3" because, in the end, it just seems as though the task is slightly out of the capability of the Soviets. A couple more turns or one more leader in the mix might balance this one out completely. Still a fun romp through the forest with a nasty fight in the open space.

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