Panzer Grenadier Battles on June 2nd:
Broken Axis #35 - Operation Katja Scenario 3: Commence Operation Katja Broken Axis #36 - Operation Katja Scenario 4: Calculated Risk
Sacrificial Lambs
Author Hugmenot
Method Solo
Victor Germany
Play Date 2012-09-08
Language English
Scenario PzLi009

Played solo over three sessions.

I set up the Soviets aggressively to slow the Germans advance. The Germans split into three groups and try to outflank the Soviets.

The issue was very much in doubt for the first twelve turns as the Germans were making slow but steady progress on the road but were having difficulty on the wings. But two turns of pinpoint OBA by the Germans destroyed most of the resistance on the wings and the Germans were able to encircle the Soviet force defending the road. As it was clear this force would soon crack, the Soviets made a mad dash westward. Not only they did punch a hole in the Germans encirclement, they killed a fair number of German steps and were now close to the 15 needed for their minor victory condition.

Not that fulfilling their minor victory would be sufficient for the win - the Germans were also in great position to fulfill their minor victory condition - but it might be enough to hold on to the draw,

The Germans decided they wanted more and told their SPW 251 drivers it was time for action. The SPW 251 led the charge and assaulted everything in sight. Nine out of ten SPW 251 were lost but they tied up Soviets long enough for several units to reach the town.

The Germans assaulted the town on turn 22 (of 24) and took control of a town hex on turn 23.

German Major Victory.

I rate this scenario a "3". I could not rate it a "4" because my use of the SPW 251 as sacrificial lambs lessened my sense of immersion.

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