Panzer Grenadier Battles on June 2nd:
Broken Axis #35 - Operation Katja Scenario 3: Commence Operation Katja Broken Axis #36 - Operation Katja Scenario 4: Calculated Risk
Number 200
Author campsawyer
Method Solo
Victor Germany
Play Date 2012-08-02
Language English
Scenario KurS020

For my 200th scenario with an AAR, I wanted to find a big one as well as a good one and this one fit the bill. Here is a list of all of the interest stuff, Soviet Hordes, 27 INF, 9 HMG and 18 SMG's. Tanks, more than a dozen T-34's and KV1's, Tigers, PzIIIJ's, Stugs, and even the Grille. Also artillery, Soviets with heavy onboard presence and the Germans with a whopping 56 OBA factors. The bigger key to this scenario is the setup and the VC's. Both are nicely linked to make this one interesting to the end. The situation has Soviet Guard units attack the SS Death's Head division. The Soviets have 2-3 times the German numbers but the Germans have the setup position, but the Soviets have most of there troops on board too. So instead of trying to get the units setup and burning turns setting up artillery and positioning infantry, they are already there. As well as the Soviets have four companies of SMG's and Tanks ready to hit from the west edge too. This may seem like a big advantage for the Soviets, but the Germans have reinforcements that can spoil one or two VC's.

The Germans setup covering board 39 with most of there initial troops. HMG's and SCH's position on the southern hill with cover from a Marder III and the 88mm. On the western hill, HMG's and SCH with the other Marder III and AT support. SCH's are positioned in the town hexes with roadblocks. On Board 37, the German artillery is position in the town with the Grille covering the eastern advance. In the fields to the south east HMG and SCH cover the advance from board 38. On board 36 a token force of SCH and the 75IG cover the east-west road.

The Soviets are coiled on board 39, focused to strike at the south hill on board 39. The bulk of the INF and HMG's are positioned dugin just below the northern hill on board 39. Mortars are just behind to hit the hill with BF. In the major town to the south is the artillery park that will support the attack. To the west in the fields a small force to push onto board 36 to capture the road. Also the Soviets get there 85mm AA gun, akin to the German 88mm, holding the northern town on board 38.

The scenario starts with German artillery trying to disrupt the Soviet attack, but fail. The Soviets step off and advance toward the hill. German OP fire draw the first casualties, but a rare IL-2m sortie causes first blood on a German StugIIIG. Heavy Soviet mortar fire breaks the SS line on the hill as the INF's move forward. German fire lightens up and the Soviets close. Meanwhile on the east edge of board 39, the other Soviet force moves onboard and strikes for the town and the roadblock. German fire from both as well as the eastern hill take out two Soviet SMG steps, but the Soviet close on the town and are able to assault and capture it in short order.

Soviet tanks advance and the Marders and AT open fire scoring hits on the T-34's but return fire knocks out one Marder and reduces the other. Soviet artillery zeros on the 88mm and AT guns, demoralizing the 88 and then they run attempting to recover. Stripped of AT defenses the SS troops on the hill are now lock in battle with 18+ INF's and 5-6 HMG's. OP fire by the units is weak and the Soviets assault. Slowly but surely the Germans fall save one group. Putting up heavy fire and disrupting the closing infantry they succumb to HMG/INF assaults. To the east the Soviet tanks race past the east hill to go after the other town. SMG's look to assault the hill with KV1s support. At this point the Germans close on the first VC and possibly the second.

To the west of board 38, the Soviets push two companies onto board 39 and capture a road hex. The token German force fires but with no effect. The main battle is still to the north.

With German defenses crumbling, they need to stabilize the line with Stugs from the defenses on board 37. They link up with an OSTFR and a couple of SCH's and hold off he Soviet hordes moving off the hill on the southern side of board 38. Putting up a good fight they demoralize and disrupt the INF's. But to the east the T34's and SMG look to remove the roadblock. This also makes it tough for the other Soviet tanks to get down the road. But the eastern hill falls to the to the Soviets after a spirited defense. Now all the hills are in Soviet hands and the Germans have lost over 20 steps. Also Soviet reinforcements appear first. Moving onto the board 38, they look to advance to board 36 for the defense.

For the Germans, there reinforcements appear one turn later. Moving quickly, they look to strike down the road on board 36 and eliminate the Soviets. This will hopefully take the wind out of the Soviet attack to the north. The Soviets react with T-34's and T-70s down the road to setup against the armor thrust. Soviet SMG's move up too. The Germans open up with the remaining artillery on the Soviet leader hexes disrupting some but there is still enough to put fire on the advancing troops. T-34's look to hit the SPW251's but the PzIIIj's get in the way and several are lost to the T-34's. But German Tigers get revenge taking out three steps. The Soviets retire to the fields to await the German advance. Meanwhile the Soviet INF's digin on the road.

Battle fatigue begins to set in as FoW's begin to take a toll on the Soviets ability to attack and react to the German attack. The Germans keep pressing the attack, but leader casualties take a toll. Demoralization and disruptions strip the leadership back to to a HPSTFR and OSTFR. Artillery strikes reduce SCH and ENG units leaving less and less for the attack. The Germans commit a Tiger to go in, under the threat of crossfire. It hits the INF and they are reduced but disaster hits the Tiger as the crossfire destroys the Tiger. But the Soviet position is faltering too as well as FoW prevents the north attack continuing.

The Soviets commit more SMG's to the defense on board 36 and try to get the attack on board 39 complete. But stubborn German defense of the roadblock and the northern town keep the Soviets occupied. The only success is the destruction of 3 steps of Stugs, but the accompanying SCH and leader remain with other SCH moved up from board 37.

Battle fatigue is really slowing the Soviet advance and allowing the Germans to recover and attack. Eventually removing the defending Soviets from the road on board 36. Desperate attempts to position more into the roads are meet massive artillery and have to fall back. Armor units are called in to take the road but the lone Tiger platoon and the PzIIIj's. The Soviets have to abandon that VC, but they push for the town on board 39. This too falls short and the Germans get a Major victory.

FoW really helped the Germans after turn nine, the Soviets couldn't get there attack going and were left to try to fend off the German attack. This failed when the German artillery pounded the Soviets into oblivion. Great scenario, would be interested in someone play FtF.

1 Comment
2012-08-03 07:48

Congratulations on 200 and thank you for your contributions!

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