Panzer Grenadier Battles on June 2nd:
Broken Axis #35 - Operation Katja Scenario 3: Commence Operation Katja Broken Axis #36 - Operation Katja Scenario 4: Calculated Risk
For a few barrels of gas...
Author Blackcloud6
Method Solo
Victor Germany
Play Date 2012-07-29
Language English
Scenario RtBr070

I set the Hitler youth up to be able to throw up road blocks on Boards 18, 14 &15 while the German Army units set up defenses in the towns on 17. The panzers were in the west woods ready to maneuver to where needed.

The Soviet plan was simple, stay mounted as long as possible and blitz down the road, dismounting to clear any roads blocks then moving on.

Right form the start it went bad for the Commies as four T-34 platoons ran out of gas in the first turn. They encountered their first roadblock at the center woods and cleared it quickly but more tanks sputtered to a halt. the Russians moved on but noticed the HY setting up a block across the ridge saddle on board 14 plus a unit blocking the approach on the west side of the board. The Russians then engaged the east flank of the HY road block then disengaged to by pass. Another t-34 sputtered to a halt. The Russian tanks moved ahead of the infantry trying to gain positions on the east end of board 15 before the HY could get there. The Germans did get a small blocking force in front of the Russians and the Panzers came out to reengage. This looked to he the decisive point of the battle and the Russians cleared the Surround the fields and blasted the Panzers. Three platoons broke out. But two more ran out of gas. The Gard infantry engaged the Hitler Youth and beat up on them badly. But the lead tank platoon tried a dash around a German Army Grenadier platoon but ran out of gas. So now the Russians only had seven mobile units, not enough to win so I called the game.

This was a fun but frustrating scenario to play. There was lots of maneuver as the Russians dashed and the Hitler keep running to throw up blocks. There was some crucial positioning decisions; all of which made it interesting. Now the running out of gas rule was cool as it put pressure on the Soviets and gave the Germans a good chance; but I lost too many tank platoons to this rule and the game was won by the Germans because of it. Having a 1 on the 6 sided die cause this was too easy for it to happen. A different mechanic that would cause some fuel shortages to occur, but not a majority of the force would make this scenario better.

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