Panzer Grenadier Battles on June 2nd:
Broken Axis #35 - Operation Katja Scenario 3: Commence Operation Katja Broken Axis #36 - Operation Katja Scenario 4: Calculated Risk
Watch the flanks, but don't leave the front door open.
Author campsawyer (Germany)
Method Dual Table Setup + Voice Chat
Victor Draw
Participants Hugmenot (AAR)
Play Date 2012-07-26
Language English
Scenario WiSo007

Probably one of best PG scenarios in the 000's of scenarios. This has all the components of a wonderful tactical game for two players. I must also emphasis that this should be played FtF or Skype. Do not play solo, you will not be able to enjoy the tactical issues.

Before I start, I must acknowledge the good play by Hugmenot to read my mistakes on the setup and take advantage quickly and force me into action.

The scenario matches American forces trying to push back probing German recon units over a wide area of battlefield. The Germans hold the ground to start the game, but no way has enough to cover all four boards. The Americans have three forces advancing from two directions on the Germans. The Germans get some reinforcements, but they are infantry without enough transports to get them around the board.

As the Germans I needed for figure out what to do with the meager forces to protect two board sides. Typical tactics would be to setup close and pick off the Americans as they enter, but there is not enough units. The Americans can overwhelm quickly and losses will mount as well as the flanking force from the west. So the choice was to protect the flank and positioning most of the recon for on the road on board 9 and the town on board 10 and leave the towns open on board 11 and 24. I don't know of this was daring or just bad analysis on my part, I did regret doing this after the first couple of turns.

The scenario starts with the Americans entering on board 9 with M5's and INF's. Avoiding the German blocking force at the crossroads, they move to advance onto board 11. The second turn has all the Americans advancing on board as well as the German reinforcements. The Americans move deliberately to main towns on board 24 and 11. Quickly moving in and finding no Germans they setup defensive positions and then begin to probe forward to board 9 and 10. The Germans solidify their positions at the crossroads on board 9 and begin to advance units forward to challenge the American advance. American OBA, which is a massive 48 factors begins to work over the advancing Germans, causing the first step loss of the game.

The Germans press forward and advance onto board 11 and take the small town on the hill. The Americans lob some mortars and fire long range HMG, but the Germans remain in the town. Meanwhile the Americans continue to push forward for the road on board 9. A company sized force supported by M5 and M4's begins their advance. To slow them down the Germans have a company plus and HMG dug in on the hill. The Americans cut the road on board 9 and then challenge the Germans on the hill. American OBA continues to wreck the German troops, but the dugin HMG puts a stop to the advance. First, the M4 advancing to support the flanking Americans is demoralized by close range fire, then an INF and M3 are demoralized in an assault and harassed into demoralization. At this point the Americans pull back to recover, but two M5's and an INF try to go down the road after the German mortars. A radio by the mortars brings the German SK/231 out to help stop the M5's. GREN's advance over to force the infantry to move and blunting the American move.

Back in the middle of the boards, several recon GREN's plus reinforcing units move between the two boards 11 and 24 to position for some sort of attack. The Americans look to blunt this by advancing INF and a leader in M3 to spotting range. But the Germans in the woods on the hill get daring and advance to attack them. Getting close before the Americans can react they charge into the hex to assault. Stick grenades and LMG's hit the M3's loaded with INF destroying them and the first American casualties. This also removes the threat to the Germans forces massing the the western wooded hill on board 24.

In that western woods, several recon GREN's have assembled with SPW251's to threaten the main town on board 24. One American sortie by a lone INF tries to disrupt the attack, but as more units gather the Americans file back to the town. For the Americans this is heavily defended. a reinforced company with armor support against a reduced company of GREN's with and HMG to support. Continuing the to position to the west of the town another reduced GREN move to support. The Americans have not been just waiting for the Germans, their OP fire and OBA have been right on target and disrupted and demoralized several units, delaying any type of attack. As time wears on the Germans finally make their move for the town on 24.

First, an experienced OSTFR takes two platoons to advance to the north of the town and try to get around to the northeast. The Americans react by moving more units to the north side of the town. The Germans react by positioning more to west to hold the M4's and INF's. Once all have been positioned, the Germans spring there only wildcard.

On board 24, there is a little town on the hill in 1105. Out of that town comes a platoon loaded on SPW251, with a HPSTFR racing into the undefended southwestern town hexes. They capture one and throw off the American defense. The OSTFR to the north is able to swing his troops in to another town hex and now the Americans have the enemy on their flank. Reacting to this threat they fire without much effect and allows the western German force a bit of a window to close on the town. Piling into the western town hexes the Germans are able to destroy the American mortars and capture a leader. Fire from the eastern side of the town demoralizes the American HMG's and the INF's are shuffled to defend the town center. Forcing the American M4 away from the western edge, gives the still hidden SPW251/21 a chance to get into town to assault. The Germans are able to close and capture four and contest two town hexes reducing the American victory level, but with heavy casualties, nine steps, will make it impossible for a win for the Germans. The only chance is to keep the casualties down and hold to towns taken.

But the Americans have a different idea. Looking for a weak spot, they focus on the small town on board 11. It is now defended by just one GREN and no leader. All have been thrown into the attack on board 24's main town. Pulling together a force of ENG, M5 and a leader they advance on the town. German OP fire misses and the Americans are ready for the assault. Piling in they are able to score a step loss and demoralize the unit on the last turn of the game. But the Germans demoralize the M5, a small consolation as the Americans control the town. Looking to finish off the Americans, the fire on town with mortars. Missing the Germans they force a morale check on their troops, which they demoralize, leaving the town in a state of flux. The Germans have one last hope, recovery of the demoralized GREN. They succeed and control the town again. This was the difference between a American victory and a draw.

1 Comment
2012-07-27 21:54

Yeah Alan, an exciting game for sure and you've certainly had quite a few last turn result games what with Daniel, Wayne and I.

When I set up the Germans I left the hill town on board 11 undefended and defended towns 24 and 10. I left my reinforcements to secure the crossroads at board 9 and was lucky enough to get there before the Amis. Also, the town 24 group simply halted any serious American movement to their front. Thereafter, it was a matter of finding troops to just deal with the GI's in the middle of the boards.

If there ever is a PG tournament. Stymied has to be in there. At present, the results show it with balanced results.

Like you, I would implore anybody taking this one on to do so against an opponent rather than solo because there simply are so many variables.

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