Panzer Grenadier Battles on June 2nd:
Broken Axis #35 - Operation Katja Scenario 3: Commence Operation Katja Broken Axis #36 - Operation Katja Scenario 4: Calculated Risk
German masses v. French mobilty
Author campsawyer (Germany)
Method Dual Table Setup + Voice Chat
Victor Germany
Participants waynebaumber (AAR)
Play Date 2012-07-23
Language English
Scenario FaoF030

This was a Skype game with Wayne Baumber That had stretched over the past month. Enjoyable sessions with Wayne and always knows how to keep throwing a "curve ball" to you at the end.

This scenario has several mixed German units trying to force towns held by a mixed force of French units. The French have the setup and control the towns, but the Germans have a counter of being able to enter through two board edges. This will force the French to figure out how to defend against simultaneous attacks by the Germans. The French have the firepower in AT guns and artillery as well as mobile force in P178 armored cars. But the morale is low for the French and the leaders will need to stay close to the troops. For the Germans, they have the numbers, six companies of INF's plus HMG's. There support is modest, only an armored car, 37mm AT and the Bufla. OBA heavily favors the Germans with three modules of 16 firepower. Morale is good and they have a good leader set.

The French look for the attack on both the north and west edge and setup accordingly. The French armored cars and the DRG's hold the town north of the river while the bulk of the French forces are positioned to the western towns. French artillery are positioned back in the eastern town to support the effort. For the Germans, they advance their whole force from the north. Entering on or about the north-south road. Several companies of INF's and HMG's push into the woods and threaten the P178's and DRGs in the town north of the river. Another two companies move south westerly toward the northern cross roads to threaten the western towns, while the last for moves to river cross and threaten the eastern towns.

The German forces quickly overwhelm on of the French 25mm AT's and destroy a DRG in the town attack. Other DRG's and the armored cars move to stop them, but casualties quickly mount for the French. They are forced back over the river to defend from the southern side. But to the east the German river crossing advances to the town at hex 912. French OP fire is accurate with the first Germans casualties occurring during the crossing. But the Germans get a company across and funnel more troops over to assault the town. Forcing French RES units back from the town the Germans are able to eventually take it and us it as a base to more forward into the woods. In the town on the river the German consolidate a firebase to hit the French units dugin on the southern bank.

To the north-west the two companies advance down the road and cross the river at the western most bridge. A company plus the German armored car cross and look to threaten the western town. While the German Major takes a company up the road to confront the main route into town. French OP fire is heavy and disrupts the Germans as they move to attack. But then the French armored cars appear with the remaining DRG's accompanying them. They quickly assault the Germans stopping there advance. The Majors company is hit by HMG fire from the town and has to take cover. The German HMG is demoralized and this slows the advance. The German armor car is able to race past the attacking French P178's and dash through the town. But this attracts the attention of the other P178's.

Pushing through the woods the SK231/6 is trailed by two P178's and has 25mm AT's covering the open ground outside the woods. Quickly the P178's corner the SK231 and it is forced to attack. Like any cornered animal is attacks the closest target and an adjacent P178 is it. Two shot's hit the P178 platoon destroying all the vehicles giving the SK231 its escape route. The other P178 teams up with yet a third and chase after it. The chase ends after the P178's are needed for a more important task.

To the east the situation for the French is collapsing. The Germans have crossed the river with three companies of troops and supporting HMG's. The Germans push aside the French RES units and capture town 912 and then press of the other town of 412 as the French 75mm are located there. Remnants of the river defenders try to put up a defense but the Germans have the numbers and push the French back. Key OBA shots as well as German morale get the troops to close on the town and assault the guns. They fall quickly, but P178's appear and race into the assault forcing the Germans to deal with a counter attack.

At this point the game is getting close to an end and the French look to breakout and deny the Germans a victory. The French unit on the southern bank charge out to try to deny the Germans the northern town hexes but are demoralized in the attacks. To the west assaults by the French on the remnants of the German westerly attack try to destroy units. The French are able to deny a German major victory, but the Germans have a solid minor victory.

Keys to the German victory was the German massed attack on the somewhat dispersed French setup and the lacking French morale. Having all the forces bearing down on only one half of the defenders made it a bit easier as the French units broke under fire. But the French mobility gave them a fighting chance as the P178s were able to zip around and provide support where needed.

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