Panzer Grenadier Battles on June 2nd:
Broken Axis #35 - Operation Katja Scenario 3: Commence Operation Katja Broken Axis #36 - Operation Katja Scenario 4: Calculated Risk
Scenario 7 Stymied
Author PatC
Method Solo
Victor United States
Play Date 2012-06-22
Language English
Scenario WiSo007

The Axis set up in the village on Board 11 and board 24 with the Sk234/2 in the village on Board 24. No Allied units entered on turn one failing their morale checks. The Axis units entering board 9 also fail their first morale checks failing to enter board 9. This stalled the whole column.

Eventually everyone got going. The Axis armored car platoon in the village on board 24 failed to escape and the Allies captured the village and continued south toward the village on board 10.

The allies were also successful, with the help of some very accurate OBA. By noon the Axis only controlled two of the village hexes. On board 9 around the crossroads is the only place where the Axis were able to get the upper hand. But not without losses. Also at noon the Allies were locked in melee with their Stuarts (M5)and 3 platoons of axis Grens with a decent leader. The Allies still maintained a position on the Southern east/west road with a platoon of Engineers.

After securing the village on board 24 those units that entered there moved south. Their advance was assisted by 2 platoons on Halftracks (M3)from the board 9 force. These units then occupied the board 10 village and took up defensive positions at the crest in the heavy tree line facing board 9.

Meanwhile on board 11 the Allies finally secured the village. They then moved south to threaten the east/west road. It was in this position the game ended at 1545, one turn early. The Axis reinforcements could never clear the road and nor could the Allies. But the Allies occupied all the village hexes at game's end. The Axis suffered 11 step losses and the Allies suffered 12 step losses but they possessed 21 village hexes for a major Allied win.

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