Panzer Grenadier Battles on June 2nd:
Broken Axis #35 - Operation Katja Scenario 3: Commence Operation Katja Broken Axis #36 - Operation Katja Scenario 4: Calculated Risk
Aggressive moves cause disaster for one side side naturally
Author waynebaumber (United States)
Method Dual Table Setup + Voice Chat
Victor Germany
Participants vince hughes (AAR)
Play Date 2012-06-18
Language English
Scenario WiSo007

This is a gem of a scenario and would rate a 5 if (a) I had won and (b) If Herr Hughes last three shots were not as devastatingly accurate as they were. Played over four boards with variable reinforcements and hidden units this scenario has lots of replay value. Vince will no doubt set the scene far better than I could, so I will go straight to the action. The US forces come on in three separate groups I was going to us the two groups coming from the North to recce and hopefully take the two northern towns while while the 3rd Armoured units depending on when they arrive would support the attacks or race up the road to disrupt the German reinforcements arrival. This plan only half worked with one undefended town being secured but the town on board 24 was strongly held and repulsed the first cautious American attack. The 3rd Armoured units were delayed and arrived too late to disrupt the enemy reinforcements, so they moved to support the major attack on board 24. That was how we ended the first session of our game, I thought that Vince had the tactical edge, but it had been two (game hours) of interesting but uneventful play. However mulling over the position I though I saw a glimmer of a chance Vince had pushed his sole A/T gun forward and seeing this a leader moved forward to drop Artillery on the gun, thus Plan B would come into action. After destroying the A/T gun 3rd Armoured M5's would sweep round and flank a small force Vince had left guarding the road, combined with a M3 and INF attack I would eliminate this group and then threaten the German rear. The artillery did their job, the M5's swept round the half tracks moved forward and all looked rosy, I thought the German's would either dig in or retreat slowly back to the forest to cover the German lines of communication, but no our intrepid German leader counterattacked. This was now the pivotal point of the battle, as he advanced I had the option to move the M5's back or try and slug it out hopping that the artillery and US firepower would win the day. Well it did not and within one hour all the M5's had been destroyed with only 2 German steps lost, a mixture of bad luck and a bad decision on my part had Stymied my plan. Now the picture was bleak I had three task forces, one badly mauled, all too far from each other and was way behind in VP. I tried to consolidate the two most northern groups but in doing so fell foul of a very cleverly place HMG group in the board 24 village who wiped out a US platoon with one shot, another shot tool a further step from the PBI of 3rd Armoured and I called it a day. Although I was well beaten in this game it is an excellent scenario, I would play it again with either side, not against Vince though who apart from one error with the A/T gun played a great game.

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