Panzer Grenadier Battles on June 2nd:
Broken Axis #35 - Operation Katja Scenario 3: Commence Operation Katja Broken Axis #36 - Operation Katja Scenario 4: Calculated Risk
Not a morning stroll...
Author vulcan558
Method Solo
Victor France
Play Date 2012-06-09
Language English
Scenario FaoF001

Vorausabteilung Felsch got more than they bargained for in trying to eject elements of 2eme DLC from Etalle. Despite hurling crack GD infantry over the northern bridge, they only managed to secure the bridge in the very last turn, losing most of the GD infantry in the process. The French also took substantial losses, but their success in holding Etalle ensured a decisive VP margin over the Germans.

From a players point of view, this was a surprising one, as the GD infantry have the edge in firepower and morale, and I drew an uber-Major to represent Hauptmann Felsch. At least he survived the engagement, unlike his historical counterpart. The French fought hard and well (aided by some super-leaders too), and the German tanks never arrive, which historically was the deciding factor. A good scenario, and certainly worthy of a replay to see if the French can do it again.

The scenario was played using Laska's Rock'n'Roll variant rules from the AP website

2012-06-09 17:49

Hi Vulcan,

I'm familiar with Laska's rules but I've never tried them. Care to elaborate a bit on their effect on play?

2012-06-11 11:40

No problem!

Essentially, fire combat is a lot deadlier - any unit that is demoralised takes a step loss instead of entering the demoralised state. This means that coming up boxcars on a morale check is frequently a terminal experience for the victim. Movement allowance is doubled (as is turn length - 30mins per turn), meaning recon units can cross a map in no time - you do not want to leave any big gaps in your defences for them to get into. Assault combat is fought in three rounds per assault (I actually realised after playing this one that I goofed this and was only giving one roll per side per assault, as in the standard rules. This may have skewed things, but not severely) This means you may well get a decision in a single turn of assault combat. AT fire may also achieve a Burst on Target, allowing it to attack again until meeting a failure condition, or destroying the target. Leader casualties are also handled differently.

All in all, it makes the PG battlefield a much deadlier place, and makes the game run a lot quicker. My only gripe with them is that if your scenario has an odd number of turns, there is no mechanism for dealing with the half-turn left over. Even so, I find them a great addition to the series and play with them 99.9% of the time. For those unfamiliar with the rules, they are here: Rock 'n' Roll Rules



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