Panzer Grenadier Battles on June 2nd:
Broken Axis #35 - Operation Katja Scenario 3: Commence Operation Katja Broken Axis #36 - Operation Katja Scenario 4: Calculated Risk
German advance halted !!
Author filbox (Germany)
Method Face to Face
Victor Poland
Participants unknown
Play Date 2012-05-08
Language English
Scenario CCV1005

As the defending Polish regular army units all fall to the German advance, Polish Notional Guard units shoulder the burden of defending their own homes and families. The people of a small village on the east bank of the river Wista decide to make a fort of their beloved river. The barricades and minefields seem invincible at first but the Polish biggest problem is their lack of manpower and combat savvy. But all is not lost as three NCO’s are send from HQ to help set up the defensive line.

The following morning, the Germans launch yet another attack to try to cross the river. The Major decides on a three pronged attack with an armored assault group going for the bridge and a north and south attack led by pioneers. Rather oblivious of possible pending doom, the German infantry simply drive towards the river, not knowing that a nearby 37mm unit has them in its sights. Immediately all hell breaks lose. Lt Nutzlos is the first casualty and is hauled badly wounded from his staff car. The engineer of the southern group has a narrow escape which would have decapitated the river crossing right from the start.

As the center group approaches the bridge they drive straight into a minefield, after some casualties they are forced to regroup to rethink their strategy. The northern German assault group gets peppered by Polish HMG fire and lose their Engineer unit! Major blow to the German morale, which now have only 2 ways of crossing the Wista. The German Major adjusts and decides to use Group North to help the armored companies in crossing the bridge.

At that bridge, a murderous situation develops. The Germans are trying to get close to the bridge, but the going is tough: the Germans are being shot at by enfilading HMG fire from Lubanskis men, the tanks are being fired at by AT from the 37mm company and all this is going on while they are maneuvering in the middle of a killing minefield! After an hour of incoming fire, the assault of the bridge peters out, the defenders weren’t even scratched.

So it was left to Group South to find a crossing point and they actually find one. But since the 2 other attack points were useless, the Polish Major sends all his available troops to contain the German bridgehead. With a WW I approach of defense in depth, the German push is very slow and at teatime, the Germans decide to lick their wounds and have another go next morning.

VP: Poland 57 – 10 German

An unhoped for resounding German butt kicking! Unlucky for the Poles, nobody from HQ will ever believe the heroism of this days fighting and again, no medals or promotions are awarded. But there was some serious heroism on the battlefield: the gunners of the 37mm guns deserve several medals and statues, after narrowly missing a game breaking engineer’s truck; they had 4 hits on 6 shots at max range of 1800m (read 11+ rolls). Lubanski and his HMG’s not only killed the other Engineer, they also massacred every German infantry unit that even looked at the bridge and finally put a PzII unit out of action just by shooting puny bullets at them from 600 yards away! But after the battle, smiles faded when the mutilated body of Por Kowalski was found; the brave man was executed as retaliation by the frustrated Germans.

On to the gates of Warsaw with a 30VP lead for the Poles, who would have thought that?

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