Panzer Grenadier Battles on June 2nd:
Broken Axis #35 - Operation Katja Scenario 3: Commence Operation Katja Broken Axis #36 - Operation Katja Scenario 4: Calculated Risk
When Nothing Goes Right
Author vince hughes
Method Solo
Victor Japan
Play Date 2012-06-05
Language English
Scenario JuFi016

This scenario was played as a rare solo play for me. On a 4 day holiday weekend this week here and only managing 1 x PG session with an opponent, I was a bit hungry for a game. Talking of hungry, I went with "A Battle Without Water" as it had a simple attack defence theme to it therefore discounting any chances of over-playing one side.

SET-UP: This is pretty restricted and does mean that initially in one hex, the Japanese have to set up with 3 x units. This battle is about the 27th US Infantry trying to take point 0416 on a hilltop. Therefore, with the 1 x Japanese entrenchment available, that is exactly where it went, defended by an HMG and INF unit, along with a '10' CAPT with a +1 morale. The other units dug-in around this in the 2 hexes designated by the scenario. The Americans, seeing this trench as a bit too strong to attack would try to winkle out the weaker dug-in positions. They therefore set up a 3 hex firegroup consisting of MG's and commanded by a CAPT with a '2' hex FG control. He was also the only one with a morale benefit (+1) whereas all other US and Japanese officers had no morale bonus.

0900 (T1) It was a tied initiative so the US go first. As planned, the fire-group let loose with its 45col shot but only on the 22col due to the entrenchment bonus. This was the only chance of a really big hit as artillery would be reduced to the 21col on this target, negating any chance of a 2X. Being well dug in as they were the Japanese were pretty much unbothered by it all, holding on to the ground as is their way. OBA and MTR fire was thrown at the Japs with no effect at all and again, the entrenchments shielded the defenders. They returned fire with the same results.

0915 (T2) With only a short time frame, the US Inf need to go forward here and there. After watching their artillery once again cause little or no effect, the infantry clambered along the hill top. Their plan was to try and nullify the trench by putting a minimum amount of assaulters in there whilst using the rest of the force to mop up the easier dug-in positions. However, with little in the way of quality leaders, Japanese fire disrupted and demoralised many of those going forward thus breaking the attack down early on. Not a good 15 minutes for the Americans.

0930 (T3) The entrenchment had been bravely engaged by the GI's, but the disorder amongst their other troops meant that no headway was made on the dug-ins. In fact, fire from these positions simply continued to tie down the US troops as did the small quantity of Japanese OBA.

0945 (T4) BANG ! US OBA finally gets a direct hit on the dug-in troops to the south of the entrenchments. A reduced INF step is lost along with a LT. The remaining step bravely stays put. American infantry jump into assault here, but have to await their MG's to get into the action. A second assault is formed. Meanwhile in the entrenchments, the confident Japanese troops here begin counter-attacking the fragile GI's. The US officer here feeds out one of his platoons to assist in the breakthrough attempt to the south of his position.

1000 (T5) Another Japanese officer slinks into the second assault location and this reduced platoon continues to hold out and disrupt some of the GI's with its first fire dug-in bonus. Other Americans on the perimeter of the area are frantically trying to gather themselves together in good order so as to advance in to the close combat battle. The struggle on the hilltop entrenchment continues to be a see-saw morale affair. US Naval planes now swoop in to start work on the 3rd dug-in posotion but cause little problems at all.

1015 (T6) Again, little in the way of casualties inflicted (in fact - none) and although Americans get more men into the dug-in assault, they still fail to dislodge the half-platoon enemy unit there, BUT it IS demoralised now. One more sortie from the F4F's demoralise ALL the Japanese infantry in the untouched 3rd defensive position. An amazing effort but desprately just too late !

1030 (T7) At last, the Americans clear out the southern dug-outs, inflicting another step loss and killing the LT. But it is all just going through the motions now. They have nobody available to assault the demoralised 3rd position. Moreover, the Japanese on point 0416 inflict a step loss on the US infantry there.

The Japanese win by dint of only losing one of the three prepared positions. I see this now makes it a 3-0 win/loss advantage to the Japanese. But, the US had such poor leaders and just one more with a '1' morale bonus would have prevented some of the untimely disruptions before attacks/assaults went in. This in turn would have made the US attacks far more potent. I enjoyed this particular game unlike my last solo effort and will move onto the next scenario following this ... a much longer 37 turn game. That one looks like the US boys will have time to capture 0416 on the Matanikau map.

2012-06-06 04:06

Your honor, let the record show that this is only the second solo session ever that Vince will admit to playing!

Once every 2 years, eh buddy?

2012-06-06 10:58

LOL - I'm already on the follow up scenario to this, so it'll be 3 !! (My word).

Im thinking that if I can find scenarios where the defence is pretty static, then soloing will be easy. I'll see how it develops, but I needed some play time. Will be continuing tonight.

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