Panzer Grenadier Battles on June 2nd:
Broken Axis #35 - Operation Katja Scenario 3: Commence Operation Katja Broken Axis #36 - Operation Katja Scenario 4: Calculated Risk
Soviet aircraft tip the scales (IMHO)
Author GeneSteeler
Method Solo
Victor Soviet Union
Play Date 2012-05-17
Language English
Scenario Gr46005


1946 - Hypothetical

The main objectives:

Soviet forces need to create a bridgehead over the river. VPs are awarded for casualties inflicted and for ownership of bridges and Soviet units ending play west of the river.

Time = 5 hours (20 turns)

Opening Thoughts

The Germans have a fairly small force which they need to use to defend a pretty long stretch of river and the two bridges. Their 2 Tiger platoons will dig-in at the bridges supported by a little bit of infantry. The HMGs will set up to cover the river as the Soviets have a number of engineer platoons and could easily make their own crossing.

Soviets decide to split their force in 3, with some men heading to either bridge (north and south) and the center infantry accompanied by the engineers will head straight to the river. The Tiger IIIs and the German AT Guns can cover the majority of the board, so the APCs will “hide” out of range while the infantry advances for 5 turns on foot.

Both sides have quite nasty artillery. Soviets also get an air strike every 30 minutes.


As the Soviets enter the Soviet IL-10 draws first blood knocking out a German Anti-tank gun battery.

German artillery scores a hit versus the oncoming Soviet infantry and the score is tied at (1-1).

Soviet artillery scores a kill and another IL-10 reduces the German Tiger III in the south! (4-1)

M3 that wandered too far is hit by long range German ATG fire. The rest of the APCs withdraw out of range. Soviet OBA proves deadly again. (5-2)

In the south the IL-2-37 hits a Tiger but can’t penetrate its armour. The Soviet infantry charge the bridge and a platoon is lost. A second M3 is hit and in the north the Soviets also take casualties from the Tigers. (5-7)

Soviets win initiative and eliminate the reduced Tiger in the south capturing the bridge. In the north they aren’t as successful as another platoon is eliminated by the German monster tanks. (7-9)

In the south the Soviets are cut down and pinned on the bridge as the German HMGs use long range opportunity fire. (7-13)

Protecting the north bridge the Germans come under heavy fire. (8-16)

Close combat fighting begins on both flanks. Soviet armour makes a break for the bridge in the south (as the Soviet infantry is almost all depleted or routed) despite the fact that they are still facing a nasty AT Gun battery (which garners much attention from the Soviet artillery!) (10-21)

The AT Gun misses the Su-122 and is in turn eliminated by Soviet artillery. The Germans are out of AT fire that can hit the south bridge and the Soviets armour creates a bridgehead. (12-24).

Although suffering from twice the casualties at the half-way mark, I believe the Soviets are going to win this one!

Soviet armour eliminates the dug in Germans near the south bridge and the southern route is completely open

The Soviet mortars and artillery with their APCs begin to make way for the south bridge. The situation quickly begins to look dire for the Germans whose Tigers in the north are just too slow to make it to the south (and besides, they are still needed in the north!)

Tigers in the north repel the Soviet infantry as the German Stormtroopers die. (20-30)

In the South the Soviet armour minces the German infantry in the town who are subsequently overrun by the Soviet guards.

The Soviet center (who have been constantly handcuffed by FOW) finally begin their river crossing as a few platoons are sent north to help against the Tigers.

Only an hour to go as the Soviet armour drives the German mortars out of the woods as the Soviet artillery works against the German AT Guns on the hill.

The Tiger in north is finally reduced but still manages to hold against the Guard infantry.

The first Soviets successfully ford the river under constant German fire.

The German mortars are eliminated as the fighting winds down across the board as most of the German defenders have been lost.



Germans get 49 VP for Soviet Steps

Soviets get: 33 VP for German losses, 8 VP for capturing a bridge and 56 VP for troops on the west side of the river.

The first hit on the Tiger by the IL-10 reducing it was pivotal for the Soviet infantry to overrun the damaged unit.

I really enjoyed this scenario as the set-up and strategy was very open-ended for both sides. I tend to like the “multiple” prong attack, although this scenario warrants reply with alternative German set-ups and Soviet attack prongs. Which is why I’m giving it a 4 instead of a 3.

Scenario Rating: 4/5 – A solid and fairly balanced scenario with good replay potential.

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