Panzer Grenadier Battles on June 2nd:
Broken Axis #35 - Operation Katja Scenario 3: Commence Operation Katja Broken Axis #36 - Operation Katja Scenario 4: Calculated Risk
Polish Persistance
Author filbox (Germany)
Method Face to Face
Victor Poland
Participants unknown
Play Date 2012-04-15
Language English
Scenario CCV1004

September 1939 campaign Pt 4 Clash of Armour

As German tanks speed towards Warschau, the Polish high command commits an armored formation to stop the high tide.

Since this is a meeting engagement, both sides deploy as fast as possible, trying to grab the many valuable key positions. The east-west road is vital for these operations and after a few turns, most of the battlefield is divided. The Poles hold the easternmost towns while the Germans manage to take the westernmost town.

Soon the Germans organize to assault the towns, starting on the centerboard. A successful combined assault quickly dispatches the Polish defenders and at this moment nothing seems to disturb the German thrust towards the other towns.

But, as before, the German armor overstretch and they lose their Pz III contingent, one of their most powerful units. Suddenly those cowering Polish Vickers B tanks look a lot more threatening and the Poles decide to actually do something constructive. Because all the German troops are concentrated along the road, the Polish Armored Cars surge along the northern flatlands, trying to cut the German supply route. The Germans now have to make a big decision, using their Deus Ex Machina PzIV unit to assist the infantry assaults on the Polish towns, or to deal with the hinterland threat. The German Major decides on the latter. This basically decapitates the surge eastwards, much to the relief of the Poles. The Armored Cars were all butchered but their sacrifice was vital for the survival of the Polish PBI.

At Scenario end, the Poles were still in control of most of the road and all the eastern towns. The Germans held on to the 2 towns on the centerboard and were lucky to still hold on to their supply route.

VP: Poles 45 – 30 German. After 4 games, the Germans still have a 17 VP lead.

Our campaign leaders were omnipresent, especially the German ones, finally earning Lt König a much deserved Infantry Assault Badge. But HQ’s must have sand in their eyes, no one was noticed by the brass so still no promotions!

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