Panzer Grenadier Battles on June 2nd:
Broken Axis #35 - Operation Katja Scenario 3: Commence Operation Katja Broken Axis #36 - Operation Katja Scenario 4: Calculated Risk
Red Warriors, scenario #17: Nikitinka Station
Author JayTownsend
Method Solo
Victor Soviet Union
Play Date 2012-05-03
Language English
Scenario ReWa017

This scenario looked great on paper with all kinds of armor and infantry types, no off board artillery but the Soviets do have on board artillery with: BM-13 Rocket trucks, 120mm & 82mm mortars compared with very little for the Germans. The Russians also have more armor with some big KV-1’s and they have reinforcement on turn 7 if not earlier. The movement is slowed by deep snow and the Soviets setup on the maps but six hexes away from the east edge, so the Germans can actually get to the town hexes of Nikitinka first but in disorder. Most of the fighting takes place on maps 1 and 5, as the two victory conditions are there; the town and the north-south road.

Most of the fighting bunched up on map #1, the Nikitinka Station. The Germans entered the town hexes and fired at the very close, approaching Soviets but the Soviets kept their heavy armor in front: KV-1’s & T34A’s followed by their Infantry but lead by rocket and mortar fire that had a one, two, three punch. The Germans used their PzIII & PzIV types of armor to try and slow the Soviets armor down but there was just too many, too close, too fast and once the German Armor and halftrack were taken out of the picture, the Soviet took their time and slow eliminated the Germans heavy weapons and infantry until they had both the road and the town in their control for a major Soviet Victory. It didn’t hurt to have some reinforcements of: T-34As, BA-10M’s and another SMG unit & Leader as well.

I haven’t had a Soviet victory against the Germans in a while, so it felt kind of good. The Soviets did need all 30 turns in the scenario. I am not sure if the Germans can get a major victory in this scenario, maybe a draw at best if their armor shots well, as they do not much of any artillery support but it’s kind of a fun scenario to play.

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