Panzer Grenadier Battles on June 2nd:
Broken Axis #35 - Operation Katja Scenario 3: Commence Operation Katja Broken Axis #36 - Operation Katja Scenario 4: Calculated Risk
1940, The Fall of France, scenario #47: Dragon Trap
Author JayTownsend
Method Solo
Victor France
Play Date 2012-04-18
Language English
Scenario FaoF047

Kind of a very fun puzzle of scenario! The French receive points for exiting units and eliminating German units, while the Germans receive point for stopping the French units from exiting in anyway. The Germans start with half their force on the map, deciding where are the best possible way to cover the main exit points; roads, flat terrain and so on, over a pretty large area and they get to roll for reinforcements starting on turn 5. The French entry is on the east edge and must exit on the west edge, deciding which route will be easiest to both avoid Germans and bad terrain types.

In this scenario the Germans also get to place one hidden roadblock and since I played this solo, I decided to place two markers representing two possible areas the road block might be and when the first French unit did enter one of these markers, I rolled a dice, if the results were a 4-6 it is the roadblock location, if it is a 1-3 the other marker is the roadblock location. The French also get an extra truck in this scenario for some reason, as there are only 3 foot infantry units and the forth is a motorcycle type but there are four truck units, so I used the forth as a scouting unit for the roadblocks.

When I first set this scenario up, the Germans were spread out pretty thin and I wondered how well they would cover the two maps until and if their reinforcements got there. The Germans and French both have and odd mix of units. The Germans have: PzI, PzII, PzIVD SK222, MTC, HMG, 37MM AT and Trucks in their first group and PzI, PzII, PzIIIF, 37mm AT and Trucks in their second group. The French have: ESC, DRG, H39, R40 and Trucks in the battle group. The scenario is only 12 turns and the Germans have a small dose of off board artillery.

The French entered the map at a point they thought the weakest defended and the easiest to exit from. The Germans reacted and the French had to keep shifting to the south each time. Shot were exchange with a little damaged to each side until everything bottlenecked into the very southwest of the map and I thought the French were about a turn away from blow this game out but at the last minute the German reinforcements finally showed up on turn eight to plug the holes. Now I thought the French were finished but I hung in there to finish this out and low and behold, they manage to pull out of the assaults the Germans had created in a few areas, exchange some good AT Fire in their favor with the dice rolls and opened up a couple of small holes right at the edge of the map and poured out to create a Major French Victory. And to think I was going to throw in the towel as the French about 4 turns earlier but with most of the surviving units only one or two hexes from victory, I had to push and it worked. Another note, The French also had to unload from their trucks about a third of the way into the map, to avoid AT Fire but this was good thing to ditch the trucks early, on about turn 2 or 3.

It was a tense scenario that went back and forth with a lot of options for both sides. I believe it will play out differently each play. In combat the Germans lost 10 steps and the French lost 6 steps but exited 16 steps. A very enjoyable quick scenario.

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