Panzer Grenadier Battles on June 2nd:
Broken Axis #35 - Operation Katja Scenario 3: Commence Operation Katja Broken Axis #36 - Operation Katja Scenario 4: Calculated Risk
When at first you don't succeed, try and try and try
Author campsawyer
Method Solo
Victor Draw
Play Date 2012-04-16
Language English
Scenario WoaP010

This was solo play of a larger W&P scenario. The Germans have a decent force advancing across the Russian steppe. Supported by good OBA and airpower twice an hour, morale is good and a decent leader draw. They face a Soviet force that is split between a small defensive force and a large amount of infantry reinforcements. The Soviets have good OBA support by lower morale, leaders were good for the Soviets. The Germans must force their way across three boards and get troops off as well as destroy the Soviet units. The Soviets must stop them.

The Soviets setup on board 8 on the one lone hill with their AT guns, both the 76mm and 45mm and some supporting INF's. There is also a roadblock with HMG's and INF in the middle of board 8. Supporting mortars and other troops begin a little further back on the east-west road. The reinforcements will appear on turn 1. The Germans advance from the west.

Turn 1 has the Germans moving onboard with dismounted infantry and tank advancing down the road with as small group advancing directly for the lone hill. Soviet OBA fire hits with some disruptions to the advancing Germans. The Soviets move up their reinforcements from the southern end of boards 1 and 15. They will be positioned to create a second and third blocking point on the roads. The Germans advance the roadblock and the hill as Ju87s appear overhead. Diving on the AT guns on the hill they manage to demoralize the 76mm. This helps the Panzer group to close on the hill. Soviet fire by the 45mm AT is ineffective. German infantry rush the hill and engage the Soviets in assault. After two turns the Soviets are destroyed or fleeing back into the second line. But the Germans have taken casualties and demoralizations.

To the south the Germans advance on the roadblock, but this time the Soviet OP fire is more effective and a step loss and demoralization appear. Panzers move up and teamup with INF's and assault the roadblocks. Soviets resistance stiffens and several rounds and reinforcements by both sides the Germans get the edge. But, like the hill, the Germans need to recover demoralizations and disruptions. The bigger issue it time, it is now turn 10.

Advancing down the road the Ju88's appear to hit the next roadblock at the road junction on board 1. Soon the Panzers are up to that point, but Soviets are ready and a general melee breaks out. The Soviets rush reinforcements from the woods in board 1 while the German punish them with OBA. Four assaults resolve for the Germans, but again the Germans must recover demoralized troops again. Also the Soviets are still lingering in the wood on board 1 trying to recover. To the north the town on board 1 remains in Soviet hands and the Germans bypass the town and try to move to the third defensive line. But time is now at turn 15 and the Germans must keep moving to get off board.

The Germans re-evaluate the situation and look now to kill Soviet units as any dash for the east edge will leave them short as well as strung out on the road. Building three strike groups the Germans hit the bypassed town from the east as well as the board 15 roadblock and the woods on board 1. As they move to the town heavy fire is encountered bu the Germans make it to assault the town and they look to destroy the defenders. Soviets consolidate and high numbered assaults begin. Both sides take step losses and the Soviet morale disrupt and demoralize their units and flee out of the town. In the woods the German attack bogs down with trying to keep up with the Soviet defenders. A couple of steps are lost but there is alot more disruptions and subsequent recoveries. The final attack on the roadblock is supported by airpower that demoralize the Soviets. German assaults cause heavy casualties even with leaders, but it is not enough. In the end the fight is a draw.

From a historical point this scenario was quite nice. The Germans with their firepower and organization are tripped up by the Soviet masses and have to try a different tactic, but even then the Soviet number of troops keep pushing back and the firepower and organization aren't enough the to win the day. The Soviets are not in any better position with their forces being reduced by more than thirty steps losses, but they are still on the field.

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