Panzer Grenadier Battles on June 2nd:
Broken Axis #35 - Operation Katja Scenario 3: Commence Operation Katja Broken Axis #36 - Operation Katja Scenario 4: Calculated Risk
Overcoming the Blocking Force
Author Diocletian
Method Solo
Victor Germany
Play Date 2012-04-14
Language English
Scenario WoaP017

I tried the scenario as a solo game to experience the operational situation with a strong panzer force trying to overcome a primarily infantry blocking force.

The game requirements stated I need France '40 for some counters, but I found I did not need it. I had all the counters from the existing games and suppliments I had.

Soviets set up first. All dug in. Infantry in stacks of three units or with a HMG or 45mm AT gun. I used one of my created leaders from Campaigns and Commanders, a Soviet Captain with a 9 morale and a +1 combat and +1 morale modifier. He was placed in command of a stack of three INF units to the south protecting the flanks. The Armor units were stacked to the north. No infantry with them. I read that the Soviets tended to delpoy tank formations alone at this stage of the war.

The Germans were deployed on west side. I had two panzer units stacked with an infantry unit in a SPW-251. Other infantry units were deployed in trucks behind the armor spearhead. The Germans had one leader for every two units. This was to help a great deal in the battle.

The higher German intiative allowed them to advance first with a +2 phase bonus. The panzer spreadhead advanced, then off board artillery was combined to pound the central defensive unit.

The armor moved in a north east direction to engage the Soviet armor. The German initiative and additional armor efficiency fire enabled the panzer to make a mess of the Soviet armor in a few turns.

The German infantry deployed out of the trucks and hit the Soviet center. Offboard artillery and the 81mm mortars supported the attack.

Once the German panzers were able to destroy the Soviet armor, the could pivot to the south to hit the Soviet infantry in the flanks. From that point it was overwhelming firepower and maneuver against dug in infantry. The German morale and leadership advantage along with combined arms firepower enabled the Germans to overwhelm Soviet infantry.

My Soviet Captain did a noteworthy assault of a German infantry stack by inflicting a 2X step loss, but that was able all the Soviets could do. The tanks scored a step loss on some panzer II's up north

In all the Soviets experienced 24 step losses and the Germans four.

With the step level VP's and the ability to exit the map mostly intact, the elements of the 11th Panzer Division were able to secure victory.

The scenario is a very good depiction of Blitzkrieg tactics and the superiority of a well equipped panzer force. I found the game was just about all over by turn 12. Turn 13 to 18 was mopping up and exiting the map. Some Soviet units (including my Captain) were able to escape the south end of the map to fight another day.

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