Panzer Grenadier Battles on June 2nd:
Broken Axis #35 - Operation Katja Scenario 3: Commence Operation Katja Broken Axis #36 - Operation Katja Scenario 4: Calculated Risk
With the Utmost Incompetence
Author waynebaumber (Britain, New Zealand, South Africa)
Method Face to Face
Victor Germany, Italy
Participants vince hughes (AAR)
Play Date 2012-04-14
Language English
Scenario SAWa016

This is a big meaty scenario, a mixed force of Italian and German units have two missions, hold the high ground and prevent New Zealand troops from escaping to the south. Add a South African division and British Tanks to the mix and you have a recipe for a wild rumble in the desert. The VC need careful reading as both sides have different but linked objectives, as the Commonwealth player there has to be a fine balance between attack and the need to get the Kiwi's off the board. The Axis player's choice are easier but set up is all important. In this FtF game with Herr Hughes, I was of course the allies. The Axis have one big advantage, they have plentiful armour most of which is of better quality than their allied opponents, the Allied infantry greatly outnumber the mixed Africa Corps/Italian counterparts. My first thoughts were to forget getting the Kiwi troops off and go for capturing the hill using my superior weight of forces. This was my first error, the Allies do have to attack as they have to pin the Axis units and eliminate steps, however the key to allied victory is getting those New Zealand units off the board. My attack ran into heavy artillery fire and a counter attack by the German units, although this German attack was turned back it had inflicted some casualties and had disrupted the attack. My Kiwi's had run into a wall of armour and the tanks MG,s stopped that attack cold. There was now a pause in the battle with both sides regrouping however the German artillery was still taking the odd step. Cue second error this was when I should have started the Kiwi withdrawal but I decided to commit the British tanks to the battle, the Crusader faced up to the PZIII's and in fact did OK but lost steps to a German foot assault, the Stuart's swarmed the PZIV but were blown away by the supporting Italian armour. By now I was miles behind the pace in both step losses and time in getting units off, the Allies tried once again to regroup and the Kiwis began the long march to the south and safety but alas there was not enough time or units to cover the retreat. The battle was lost. This is a great scenario with lost of differing options, it nearly gets a five from me I just feel that it favours the Axis just enough to make a Commonwealth victory very hard to achieve.

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