Panzer Grenadier Battles on June 2nd:
Broken Axis #35 - Operation Katja Scenario 3: Commence Operation Katja Broken Axis #36 - Operation Katja Scenario 4: Calculated Risk
Author campsawyer
Method Solo
Victor Germany
Play Date 2012-04-13
Language English
Scenario WoaP006

I would have to put this scenario as being one of the best I have played with PG. A rather big statement, but very true. Mike Perryman has created a wonderful puzzle of a scenario. The forces and the victory conditions work very well together and highlight the major issues with controlling troops in PG, morale. In the scenario the Germans must hold a road and prevent the Soviet troops from controlling and moving off the west edge, but the Soviets must do this without suffering more than 16 step losses or demoralized troops at the end of the scenario. With Soviet morale at a sub-par 7/6 this will be tough. But the Germans are at a 2 to 1 deficit with troops, no AFV's and only a couple of mortars. This will make stopping the T-34's and troops very tense. Terrain is on the German side with a good amount of woods as well as deep snow so the Soviets will have to plan their action.

The setup has the Germans with a couple of INF's and LT's in the woods on board 15 to try to take some pot shots at the advancing Soviets. The bulk will be behind the woods on board 15 as well as at a major roadblock on board 6 in the woods. The German lone AT gun is hidden to be revealed later. The Soviets will advance up the road. Given the need to hold the road and the snow, they will need to concentrate they forces.

The Germans score a quick kill on an advancing HMG as the Soviets are moving on board. They soon close on the German and they pull back into the woods. Given that they could reappear the Soviets send INF's after them. They soon close on assaults with these pickets that will last the entire game due to good German leaders and poor Soviet morale never being able to kill the German units. Meanwhile Soviet units move up the road and discover another picket unit in the small woods to the north of board 15. Closing on them they discover the lone AT gun. The Soviets storm into the hex but are demoralized and a cycle of fresh units are brought in as the demoralized ones recover. But this is not as easy as it sounds as the low morale takes several turns to get them back to good order.

Soviet units that were demoralized coming up the road are "helped" by the Kommissar, but with his low morale the units reduced rather than recovered. Who's side are these Komissars on, one wonders. The Soviets also push around the south of the major woods on board 15 with INF and T-34's. They advance on the town to the south west of the woods but are hit by German OP fire demoralizing more troops. The T-34's are brought up but OP fire from the HMG disrupts and demoralizes the tanks. More recoveries, but even more of a worry these count toward VC's.

The Germans have not been fairing any better. Soviet OBA as been accurate with three kill strikes on INF and HMGs. Assaults take a toll on others and the pressure by the volume of Soviet troops keep the Germans pulling back. But they stay close to the road so that they can disrupt the flow of Soviet troops moving forward. German mortars get a chance to engage and score demoralization on many Soviet INF's with recoveries being slow.

The Soviets eventually work their way around the Germans on board 15 and move to attack the major roadblock on board 6. This will be tough as the Germans have two HMG's and the commanding Major dugin on the road, flanked by supporting INF's. The Soviets cover the area with OBA and mortar fire, disrupting and demoralizing some of Germans so that INF's can advance. With the help of the now lone T-34, the other remains demoralized throughout the game, assault the German position. Slowing reducing the hex, but the Major is able to keep a reduced HMG in the hex to deny the Soviets the road. But the Germans are very clever and peal out the locking assaults on board 15 making their way to the road and wind up with 3 road hexes controlled. The Soviet losses are high and there are several demoralized units left on the board. These conditions as well as failing to get any troops need the west edge, give the German a Major victory. But the German force is destroyed, out of the 11 INF's starting 4 remain with one being reduced, one a reduce HMG is left from the starting 3, and the mortars are reduced to 1. Of the German leaders four are killed or captured. With victories like this the Germans were going to "win" with nobody left.

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