Panzer Grenadier Battles on June 2nd:
Broken Axis #35 - Operation Katja Scenario 3: Commence Operation Katja Broken Axis #36 - Operation Katja Scenario 4: Calculated Risk
Inverted Keil prevails
Author Poor Yorek
Method Solo
Victor Germany
Play Date 2012-03-30
Language English
Scenario NoWi006

US set up included the M4's and four M4/76 at the 40m crossroads of the West board (the road allowing sufficient N/S movement to head-off any German swing to the board edge. Another two platoons of M4/76s were on the 40m small hill just to the south of the main E/W road. As it turns out, this was likely a mistake.

The Germans advanced with a no nonsense inverted keil (a triangle of adjacent hexes with two forward, one back (the PzIVH). This concentration meant that any US attempt at a cross-fire bonus, given the limited 2-hex visibility, was liable itself to either possible envelopment or the fire of one "side" of the keil (or four AT shots).

After the first turn (getting just to the east of the large town on the western board), the Germans slowed down to simple cross-country movement along the road. The US had to watch for a German "end around" (Germans could win by avoiding combat and simply exiting the east edge) so 2xM4/76 shifted to the north; the 2xM4 held the road; and the 2xM4/76 on the small 40-m hill moved a bit to maintain its higher elevation advantage.

The German major commanding these elements of 25th Panzer Grenadier Division had earned his braided shoulder boards the hard way - after two years on the Russian front. Schwerpunkt! Ordering his forces south off the road, he concentrated all his force vs. the Shermans's on the hill to his East. The remaining US forces closed in for the kill.

The first five-ten minutes did not go well. The US lieutenant commanding the company of M4/76's selected the low-profiled Hexters as his preferred targets. In short order, three steps of German tank destroyers were no more. "Like shoot'n squirrel back in Kentucky, lieutenant," remarked his gunner.

Amazingly, the remaining German formation rapidly (i.e. won initiative) erupted with accurate return fire, rather than turning tail. Even with the disadvantage of shooting against the cover of higher terrain, the 75/L48 guns from the STuGs, PzIVH, ripped the US tanks. Perhaps the surviving US crews understood what the British seamen aboard HMS Prince of Wales felt as their elation turned to horror as HMS Hood was gone in a matter of moments.

After another turn, the US tanks remaining were is disarray (read demoralized). The half-step of Hetzers likewise was demoralized. The three good-order German platoons shot up one of the US units remaining, then raced eastwards off board. A US M4/76 recovered morale, caught up with the Hetzers and finished them off.

Germans: exit 6 steps, killing 10. Americas: kill 4 steps (all Hetzers)

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