Panzer Grenadier Battles on June 10th:
Arctic Front Deluxe #27 - Black Day of the Finnish Army Intervention #2 - Road to Damascus
Arctic Front #17 - Black Day of the Finnish Army Liberation 1944 #10 - Here to Stay
Airborne #10 - Montebourg Station Liberation 1944 #11 - A New Experience
Airborne #17 - Juncture Lions of Finland #7 - Black Day of the Finnish Army
Airborne #18 - Juncture II Panzer Lehr 2 #3 - Guderian's Ducks
Airborne - IE #15 - Montebourg Station Panzer Lehr #3 - Guderian's Ducks
Airborne - Remastered #22 - Montebourg Station Sword of Israel #46 - Jelabina
Airborne - Remastered #23 - Le Ham Sword of Israel #47 - Baniyas
Edelweiss IV #4 - Aspirant Rouge Sword of Israel #48 - Vasit-Mansoura Road
Intervention #1 - Negev Encounter Sword of Israel #49 - Uphill out of Darbishiyeh
Digging trenches in basements; driving Jeeps through hedges
Author deleted
Method Solo
Victor United States
Play Date 2012-03-25
Language English
Scenario Airb014

Well, the Germans were miraculously able to dig in while in a town, and the war gods didn’t notice…the Americans had dug in near one bridge while keeping a sharp eye out for any German troop movement. Meanwhile, near the objective, the Germans had dug in so far that they couldn’t see the tree roots before them.

American paratroopers plopped out of the sky and formed up, moving en masse toward the first of 2 towns ahead, knowing the Germans had taken the second town. Using the first town and the miles of hedgerows as cover, they advanced until they had literally wrapped themselves around the German army, not firing one shot to reveal themselves. The Germans, knowing they were coming, moved some troops towards the town from behind to assist.

At this point, the world caught fire as advances, and then assaults began on this poor little town. American and German blood looks remarkably similar, and even though rules had been disrupted (the Germans, of course cannot dig into a town), the Americans were handed lawn mowers and ordered to push. They took some serious damage, but soon the Stars and Stripes were in every window.

There was not much left of the German army to retreat, but retreat they did; all the way back to the bridge, what they had not realized is that the American army, defying all laws of physics and hedgerows, had towed a really big gun toward the bridge, its Jeep laden with a Lt. Colonel and, yes, the engineer. When they got close enough to pound the bridge they held until the rest of both armies (the other bridge being abandoned for better use) to have a nice little party in which the Germans again could not roll their way out of a dice tower. The engineer did not get to blow the bridge up before the credits rolled, but they were American credits nonetheless…

This was a fun, second real scenario for me. I obviously missed a few big rules, and I have the Jeep of the gods. I need to replay this soon, when I have the rules down better. Playing solo mostly, it can be game hours before I realized that Jeeps cannot go through a hedge…

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