Panzer Grenadier Battles on June 2nd:
Broken Axis #35 - Operation Katja Scenario 3: Commence Operation Katja Broken Axis #36 - Operation Katja Scenario 4: Calculated Risk
Polish Train Wreck
Author rerathbun
Method Solo
Victor Germany
Play Date 2012-03-13
Language English
Scenario WhEa031

The Germans in this play got an outstanding leader draw, two with +2 morale, one with +2 combat, and several with +1 of one or the other. The Poles did not fare as well, with one leader +1 Morale and Combat, and one with +1 morale.

I used a basic scripted appproach for the Germans to account for the hidden Polish units. Rolled a six-sided die to see how far the train would move toward the town each turn. Truck-bound German reinforcements would disembark just outside mortar range from the town.

The Poles set up their anti-tank gun in the south woods at the bend in the track, supported by two platoons of infantry. The intention was to try to hold up the Germans well west of the town hexes, making it hard for them to take the town in the short time allotted. The downside was it made it easy for the Germans to salvage the train (and three victory points).

The anti-tank gun took out the train with Opportunity Fire as it rolled by (-1 for Opportunity Fire, +1 for adjacent, and rolled an 11). A good start for the Poles. The hidden infantry platoons took out the lead German truck with its one platoon of infantry using Opportunity Fire, and the rest bailed out in place. Rather than remain in the woods to be pinned by a couple of German platoons while the rest went around them to the town, the two Polish infantry platoons made a break for it. They headed toward the town to join the defenders there. Bad move. The German artillery disrupted one platoon and demoralized the other. The disrupted platoon recovered and made it to town, but the demoralized platoon was forced to flee to the woods and was effectively out of the scenario from that point on.

The Poles waited until the Germans approached within spotting range (one hex) of the town before opening up with Opportunity Fire at the German machine guns. Relatively poor shooting by the Poles demoralized one platoon, but did no other damage.

From then on, the game went all the Germans' way. They tied up two Polish platoons in an assault and used their overwhelming firepower (machine guns and a +2 Combat leader) to blast the remaining Poles defending the town. The assault on the remnants was just a formality. In the end, the Germans held all but one disputed town hex and took out seven Polish steps for the loss of three of their own (not counting the salvaged train).

Major German victory.

Not a bad scenario. It plays quickly and has some interesting quirks. Much more balanced than my play would indicate. I made some mistakes with the Poles, and had a few bad die rolls.

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