Panzer Grenadier Battles on June 2nd:
Broken Axis #35 - Operation Katja Scenario 3: Commence Operation Katja Broken Axis #36 - Operation Katja Scenario 4: Calculated Risk
Pursuit of 2nd Armored Part 2
Author waynebaumber (Britain)
Method Dual Table Setup + Voice Chat
Victor Britain
Participants captwoosey
Play Date 2012-03-04
Language English
Scenario AfKo034

Those of you intrepid readers who have read part 1 will know that for this rematch I was the British and Joseph was the dastardly Hun. Having seen what had happened in Part 1 I had decided on a totally different strategy to Joseph's. My A13's stayed on the hill and dug in. While this meant giving up ground I hoped this would help nullify the superior firepower of the PZIIIg's. The German's moved forward and divided into two groups making a north/south pincer movement on the A13's position. The British commander decided to tackle the northern thrust, keeping one unit dug in, the other moved northwards trying to get a crossfire shot on the advancing Germans. The German tankers though drew first blood but in sharp contrast to out first game the Brits did not flinch. This enabled the A13's to get into crossfire positions and accurate shooting completely destroyed a PZIIf platoon. The reward for the plucky unit who had passed their morale was annihilation but they had done the job and the British having destroyed 2 steps of enemy tanks had won a minor victory could they now deny the enemy a victory of any sort. As night fell a tense game of cat and mouse followed as both sides tried to get into positions to win, at one stage the PZ11's strayed into view of a A13 tank commander but then the turn ended. In fact the tension got to my opponent who had lost track of game turns, and made the error of passing in an attempt to get me to move first, I also passed and in effect he wasted a turn. This meant that with vis down to one hex he could not see the Brit tanks to kill them and and not enough time to get his last two units off the board. The British commander who had been prepared to go for a draw had won an unlikely victory. This was an even better game in many ways than the first one and I would suggest this is the way to play this scenario with both players swapping sides. Every turn was tense and although the scenario is pro German, it is still fun to play. Yes it is dicey and yes it is short but so is my wife and I like her too. Highly recommended.

2012-03-04 16:09

Yes it is dicey and yes it is short but so is my wife and I like her too. Highly recommended.

Well Wayne, I've got to go clean coffee off of my keyboard and change shirts! I hope you're happy! :-P

2012-03-05 11:05

So sorry Shad, I am nearly 100% sure that Mrs B will never read that final line or I would have to take a step loss :-)

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