Panzer Grenadier Battles on June 2nd:
Broken Axis #35 - Operation Katja Scenario 3: Commence Operation Katja Broken Axis #36 - Operation Katja Scenario 4: Calculated Risk
It's good to see armour being king of the field.
Author GeneSteeler
Method Solo
Victor Germany
Play Date 2012-02-23
Language English
Scenario Gr46001

What a wonderful see-saw of a battle. I was actually surprised to see how effective the Soviets were in routing the German regulars out of their towns and hills. The T-44s made a large contribution and the Germans, with their lack of AT-Guns and possibly poor initial placement were trounced.

It was equally surprising to see how the “Fire Brigade” (reinforcements) completely wiped out the Soviets to regain control of almost all the objectives! This was due in part to the armours massive AT values and the fact that the poor T-44s did not have armour efficiency. Although a large number of APCs were taken out by AT Fire and artillery, not a single German tank was lost as the Panthers mowed down the T-44s like grass.

This scenario allows both sides to mount an offensive in a tight little package and was well worth playing.

Scenario Rating: 4/5 – This was a really fun scenario. I’m a bit tossed how to rate it. The victory conditions seem to make it unbalanced for the GD Division and almost push it to a “3”, but I think with a more balanced VP schedule this could have received a “5”, so I decided on a 4.

German Major Victory

Here's a bit of a play by play:

The Battle

Soviets forces arrive from the east (top) and the Germans forget to roadblock the road. This allows the Soviet tanks to race past their ATG and get behind the Germans in the north town.

Soviets begin to charge under German defensive fire as the T-44s open up barraging the town.

Fog of War envelopes the command and before long the first hour is past. The Soviets must move quick to obtain the objectives before the Fire Brigade arrives. They assault at the hill in the south but a violent counterattack by the Germans routs their advance forces. The Soviet HMGs set up east of the hill and start laying down suppressing fire. Casualties are 5 to 13 in the German’s favour.

The Soviets assault the town as their armour moves onward and the Germans begin falling to the superior numbers of the Soviets. They come under extreme fire and barrage and both the Germans in the north town and hill suffer sever casualties. The Germans have already lost 4 leaders and by the end of turn 9 the casualties are tied at 16 steps lost each.

Near the 3 hour mark and the few remaining German forces are under extreme pressure when the reinforcements arrive in the west. The Germans have 3 hours to regain the lost ground as the Soviets control the centre town, South hill, and most of the north town.

The Grossdeutschland infantry regiment moves up the south road streaming toward the hill led by the Pz42ts . The T-44s move south to intercept but are wary of the Panther IIs that have arrived in the west!

T44s open fire on the halftracks eliminating two platoons and leaders.

Soviets initiate AT Fire and just fail to damage the Panther IIs. An X7 rocket takes out one T-44 as the Panthers open fire. The T-44s are decimated!!!

The Germans begin to retake the hills.

German Panthers win the initiative and charge the T-44s which again fire for no effect. The Soviet commander swears that the RKKA has no armour efficiency!

The German wave begins to move north.

Two hours remain as the Germans advance into the centre town and start mopping up the under-powered RKKA defenders.

The last German ATG in the north town finally hit by small arms fire as the Soviets begin to brace for oncoming wave of the Fire Brigade. Germans move toward the north town which still houses a few T-44s. With an hour to go will they make it in time?

German armour enters the centre town and the Soviets assault in a last blaze of glory, but to little effect.

At the north town the Panthers take out the T-44s after they are spotted firing on the advancing halftracks. The Germans reach the town, but their Lt. Col is killed by off-board artillery!

The German armour advances and in the last few minutes an X7 rocket takes out the last step of T44s.

At the six hour mark the Soviets are almost completely eliminated except for a 5 and a half platoons still holding out in half of the north town.

2012-02-23 19:32

Fire brigade? Sounds like a lot of fun! Your first game in almost a year, welcome back dude! ;-)

2012-02-23 21:37

Thanks General! It was a really good battle and played quite fast as well. A great tight little package. GD46 is feeling a bit loved here on PG-HQ so I hope to remedy that situation. Scenario 2 is already set up on the table where I hope the Soviet Guards can put up a bit more of a fight. Also, I'm itching itching itching to play that monster Scenario 3!

So stay tuned and hopefully more GD46 AARs will be coming soon!

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