Panzer Grenadier Battles on June 2nd:
Broken Axis #35 - Operation Katja Scenario 3: Commence Operation Katja Broken Axis #36 - Operation Katja Scenario 4: Calculated Risk
Deceiving defense
Author campsawyer
Method Solo
Victor Draw
Play Date 2012-02-19
Language English
Scenario Guad006

Moving on from the first scenario of Tulagi,I skipped to scenarios on Guadalcanal and this made a lot of difference. This one is one of the first encounters with the Americans and the occupying Japanese troops. The Americans are pushing up the coast and learn that there maybe Japanese troops willing to surrender without a shot. Unfortunately, this was not the case and two Marine companies find themselves in a sharp skirmish with SNLF troops. Both sides are roughly equal in troops, but the Marines are better quality that then service troops and they have OBA support for the first ten turns. The SNLF troops are few but are on the defensive in jungle terrain with a couple of AA and infantry guns for support. Victory conditions are of the type either/or, each side will either achieve them or not, if they do they win if they don't they can lose or draw. Also FoW will be an issue as the roll is down to 14+ to end the turn.

I will also make note that I played using the updated terrain rules for island terrain. These are outlined in Kokoda Trail supplement.

The setup will be simple, the Japanese setup the guns to defend the village with some support from service platoons. In front of them the SNLF troops position in the jungle and palms to try to slow the Americans. Further, inland one and a half SNLF platoons and service platoons position to prevent the Americans from trying to move around the flank. The Americans are setup on the coastal path up from the south as well as the small ridge to there left. The strategy will be to advance up the path and start the engagement with the defenders. Meanwhile the company that is inland will look to probe the flank to see if there is opportunity to get around them, or at least tie up some troops from defending the village area.

The game starts with the American Major moves the company down the road. An American SGT makes contact with the Japanese and calls in the OBA. It is able to kill a reduced service platoon. The company is able to maneuver up the road without too much OP fire effect from the Japanese. To the left the Marine company advances toward the defending SNLF and service troops. American direct fire scores a hit on another service platoon throwing the Japanese troops into disarray. The fall back into the elephant grass and jungle. By turn four the Americans can start to assault the Japanese positions and they take out a reduced SNLF platoon, while OBA strikes at another service platoon. But the Japanese fire is starting to hit home in the close combat. A Marine LT 9-1-1 is morally wounded in the fight an leaves an assault force leaderless. The Americans counter with another assault force from the company advancing down up the path. This scores two more kills on SNLF and service platoons, but AA guns open fire and they take out one step of Marines.

At this point the Japanese troops across the Matanikau are forced over the river. To the left the Marines push up the river and around the Japanese line and have a flanking force moving to the north of the village. More trouble for the Americans as a LT under fire from the AA gun breaks and runs for the rear, leaving his troops leaderless. The American Major shifts another LT to take command but has lost a morale bonus in the exchange. The new LT orders OBA on the AA guns that levels the palm grove that they were hiding in, but there is still the matter of infantry gun in the town. More maneuvering by the Americans give the Japanese OP fire that disrupt and demoralize the Marines, but get more troops closer to the town. One critical shot by a group of service platoons kills another step of Marines, one more and the Americans cannot win.

Turn ten happens and now the Americans have to attack without the help of OBA. But a resourceful Capt manages to get a 22 DF that kills two steps a reduced service platoon and a reduced SNLF platoon. Victory is near as the Marines have a platoon moving from the north and the south on the village. The Major orders an assault on the village to take out the guns. But the Japanese strike first reducing another Marine platoon, eliminating any American victory, but in the same assault the gun is taken and the village is in the Americans hands, stopping a Japanese victory. A few more turns pass but it is a draw as the Americans have the village and the Japanese are too weak to retake it. All ends by turn 20.

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