Panzer Grenadier Battles on June 2nd:
Broken Axis #35 - Operation Katja Scenario 3: Commence Operation Katja Broken Axis #36 - Operation Katja Scenario 4: Calculated Risk
One sided scenario
Author waynebaumber (United States)
Method Face to Face
Victor Germany
Participants vince hughes (AAR)
Play Date 2012-02-18
Language English
Scenario BaBu013

This scenario has been played 12 times and has had 12 German victories. Chosen by random selection this scenario has caused me to think about stopping playing PG. (Well for at least a few mins) Vince and I both agree that no scenario should be called unwinable by any one side but I can not think of any strategy by which the US can win this one. Of course die rolls and a poor German set up and commander could see a US win but that would be a fluke. Another scenario to avoid.

2012-02-18 16:07

Interestingly, despite the 12-0 result on this scenario, Jay Townsend's AAR states he has actually won this as the Americans in an unrecoreded game. I wonder how the Germans set up in that one ?

2012-02-18 17:28

You guys are daft. If I see a scenario with 11-0-0 play results and a Conclusion that reads:

As soon as the company exited the village of Heinerscheid, hidden German anti-tank guns opened fire, destroying eight of the light tanks. Five more were destroyed later in the day and the remainder withdrew to positions near Urspelt. By the end of the day four of these had been destroyed and the remaining tank forced to withdraw.

I'm certainly not going to be terribly surprised if that climbs to 12-0-0 after my attempt!

I think your random selection rules need room for "do-overs" :-P

Random Selection Rules v2.0

  1. Step 1 - select scenario randomly
  2. Step 2 - check PG-HQ
  3. Step 3 - does it suck? return to Step 1!


2012-02-18 17:41


Your missing the point.

If its there, climb it !

We did, and it was b*****ks. At least others will know if they wish to adopt your way.

Playing the game is fun for me anyway .... (except that AB Georgia on my mind. Now that was trash)

2012-02-19 01:45

Shad, We are daft (well I am as I keep playing and losing) but also by doing random selection we will also cover those scenario's which may never get played. It was unfortunate that we picked up these two yesterday.

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