Panzer Grenadier Battles on June 2nd:
Broken Axis #35 - Operation Katja Scenario 3: Commence Operation Katja Broken Axis #36 - Operation Katja Scenario 4: Calculated Risk
Eastern Front, scenario #73: Odessa: Ride of the 7th
Author JayTownsend
Method Solo
Victor Romania
Play Date 2012-02-10
Language English
Scenario EFDx073

Looking over some of the other AAR’s on PG-HQ I decided to play this scenario and see what would maybe workout better for me in my game! This scenario has an interesting mix of unit types, victory conditions & nationalities. I mean Romanians and Soviets are just cool in WWII for me.

In the beginning of the game, it looks like the Soviets might have the advantage being closer to the main Romanian victory objectives of the town hexes on map #2, as they receive 5 points for each town hex on map 2 they occupy and points for eliminated Soviets steps as well. But the Soviets only receive points for eliminated Romanian steps. With this in mind, I decided to push past the town hexes on map #2 with about half of the Soviets forces. Sending some of their Cavalry and all of their T-37 tanks ahead to blunt the Romanian advancement while setting up the rest of their forces in the town on map #2 in defense, as the advanced Soviets forces could always pull back later to defend in greater strength in needed. The Romanians on the other hand, had a one track mind, head for Odessa!

When the two groups met in the middle of the battlefield on map #8, both sides has some Cavalry charges, assaults, direct fire & a little mortar bombardment as well. The Soviets actually assaulted the Romanian R-1 tank unit with 3 T-37 tanks units, as both tank types only have direct fire. The assault produced a step loss to the Romanian R-1 tanks and the remaining half step of R-1’s managed to pull out but this engagement allowed the Romanian 37mm AT guns time to setup a get some valuable hits on the Soviet T-37’s. The fight continues with losses about equal but the Romanian having too many units flanking and heading straight for Odessa which still had some Soviet HMG and other units defending but not enough to defend all those town hexes, so the Soviets now have to pull all their advance fighting units out of the forward positions and head back to help in Odessa.

At this point the Romanians just keep dumping units into Odessa for the great point values than even losing steps. Assaults start all over again with both sides now putting everything they can into Odessa. In the end the step losses are just about even but the Romanians have too many Odessa points with 5 per hex, just for occupying not controlling these hexes. A Romanian Victory!

Side note: the Romanians don’t have very many leaders, so advances have to be organized, the Soviets shouldn’t have advanced so far ahead of Odessa and defended closer back. Overall an enjoyable scenario to play.

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