Panzer Grenadier Battles on June 2nd:
Broken Axis #35 - Operation Katja Scenario 3: Commence Operation Katja Broken Axis #36 - Operation Katja Scenario 4: Calculated Risk
Good Luck, Bad Luck in Foucarville
Author rerathbun
Method Solo
Victor Germany
Play Date 2012-02-04
Language English
Scenario Airb007

Luck was with the US Paratroopers as they found both of their village objectives unoccupied. They quickly occupied both villages and waited for the inevitable German counterattack.

The Germans elected to bypass the northwestern village and concentrate on their main objective of Foucarville. They used the hedgerows and woods to their advantage, approaching within 400 meters of the village before taking fire from the Americans. They then settled down into a medium-range firefight. Outstanding German shooting combined with excellent mortar support caused some American casualties. The Germans approached while the disrupted Americans were regrouping, and then went into the assault.

The paratroopers put up a good fight, but were slowly ground down by the superior German firepower. The Americans seemed to lose heart after their Captain deserted. Even after bringing in their platoon from the other village, they couldn't hold. The Grenadiers captured Foucarville, and almost all of the Americans became casualties. German losses were one-half platoon.

Despite its length, the low counter density means that this scenario plays very quickly. Since two strongpoints are the only German units on the board for the first three turns, the quality of the scenario depends largely on the strongpoints drawn. In my play, both strongpoints were unoccupied, and I expected an easy win for the Americans. Unfortunately for them, all the die rolls went the Germans' way as soon as they started firing. The Americans spent most of their time recovering instead of shooting, and the Germans took full advantage. The German luck held throughout the assault. They gradually racked up step losses until the Americans just couldn't hold.

I intend to set this one up again soon.

2012-02-05 05:44

Nice AAR! You own all three versions of Airborne... so why did you choose to play a scenario from the first edition? Just curious! :-)

2012-02-05 15:54

Entering the data for Airborne reminded me of the scenarios in it. I'm at work this week, so was looking for some scenarios I could play in an evening, so I brought it with me.

Like having the comments on AARs, and the email notifications!

2012-02-05 16:23

so why did you choose to play a scenario from the first edition? Just curious! :-)

Like the climbing Everest answer .... "Because its there" :-)

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