Panzer Grenadier Battles on June 2nd:
Broken Axis #35 - Operation Katja Scenario 3: Commence Operation Katja Broken Axis #36 - Operation Katja Scenario 4: Calculated Risk
Road to Berlin, scenario #49: Horses and Tigers
Author JayTownsend
Method Solo
Victor Germany
Play Date 2012-01-18
Language English
Scenario RtBr049

I was surprised no one had played this scenario on the PG-HQ yet. Lots of map space, 6 maps for only about 70 counters, and it has Cavalry, Tiger II’s, JS-2’s, JSU-152’s & T-34/85 and a few more unit types on both sides as well.

The victory conditions depend on control of maps 14 & 16, exited units & eliminated units, road control or some variation for each side with the Germans defending on maps 14 & 16 dug-in and the Soviets entering on the far east side, maps 15 & 17. The Germans setup on the hills dug-in with the six platoons of Tiger IIs able to cover all approaches to maps 14 & 16 and some fill-In Reit, Gren, StuGIIIG, 75mm AT, & HMG able to fill the cracks. The Soviet do have some SMGs to ride their armor to the front, a little air cover and some smoke firing artillery that might help them close with the Germans.

The Soviet drive forward, using their smoke whenever possible but even with this and all their armor, 6 Platoons of Tiger IIs spread out just right, won’t have to move and risk running out of gas, as one of the Special rules in this scenario. Not only that but beside their huge armor factor of 8 and their 11-8 AT factor, they will get 2 more modifiers; one for being dug-in and another for being at a higher elevation. This proved almost impossible for the Soviets for overcome in my game. One mistake was maybe attacking two locations at one time, but with only 30 turns and slow mud movement conditions I didn’t know of any other solution for the Soviet to try and win this. They got creamed. They managed to only to take out 7 Germans steps while losing tons of their own. I quit counting after 41 steps, as it didn’t matter anymore.

I’ll most likely rank this lower for a Road to Berlin scenario, not because I didn’t enjoy playing this, because I did but because I felt it is very difficult to the Soviets to win. I had a Major German Victory.

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