Panzer Grenadier Battles on June 2nd:
Broken Axis #35 - Operation Katja Scenario 3: Commence Operation Katja Broken Axis #36 - Operation Katja Scenario 4: Calculated Risk
Boring draw fails to lift my morale
Author waynebaumber (United States)
Method Face to Face
Victor Draw
Participants vince hughes (AAR)
Play Date 2011-12-10
Language English
Scenario AirI006

When Vince and I play FtF and finish early we tend to play the next unplayed Airborne scenario. So after kicking my but earlier I reached for some light relief. None here in one of the most boring, monotonous games I have ever played. Before setting up the German rolls one die which if he get a 1-4 means half his units have been wiped out by Navel gunnery. Vince rolled his dice lost his units and therefore stacked his entire force (2 GREN 3 LDRS) in a town hex which was a victory condition hex and said "OK come and get it". I marched to the nearest woods and started to blast away on the 7 DF table getting any closer would have meant facing 22 shots and the option of losing two steps in very short order. So in effect I was hoping for a double 1 or at least some morale failures where I would rush the town and hope to wipe out the defenders in assault. There were some morale failure but not enough to get me too excited.I did sneak a reduced platoon into the assault but I realised that even if I could reinforce the attack there was an equal chance of getting defeated and I backed off on Turn 18. A draw was the result and would be the result I think most of the time unless one player really took a big gamble in going for a win. That is why this game is rated a 1. A newcomer playing it would be really put off PG which would be a great shame. No minds gambling for a win after playing a satisfying scenario which has ebbed and flowed but this was just mind numbing tedium.

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