Panzer Grenadier Battles on June 2nd:
Broken Axis #35 - Operation Katja Scenario 3: Commence Operation Katja Broken Axis #36 - Operation Katja Scenario 4: Calculated Risk
Too Big A Map - Too Few Germans - Too Many Yanks !
Author vince hughes (Germany)
Method Face to Face
Victor United States
Participants waynebaumber
Play Date 2011-11-19
Language English
Scenario NoEl003

Played ftf with Wayne Baumber and our 7th chronological foray into those Westwall series of downloads. We've had a lot of fun with these and simply playing them as we have in date order really brings to life JUST WHY this campaign was a 'grinder' for both sides. As the German player, one could easily see how this scenario was asking for far too much of the thread-bare defenders, and there will be no-way theycan be expected to successfully defend them all. In my case, I dropped the forward town and my plan was to put all the effort into keeping the other two in the defenders position

The German position had three small villages in the area. With such a lack of man-power, it would be impossible to defend them all. Therefore, only two would be defended, whilst the forward village would be forsaken to the enemy advance. Around the other two villages, a network of wire, tank-ditches and minefields were laid thickly around them. The American advance would need to be cautious.

Kicking off at 0800, the Americans did indeed advance carefully, having to take into account German AT capability that was hidden, their tanks could not be overly bold. American forces were split so as to bring both towns under assault and through the German defences they picked their way. Despite the best effort of the defenders, the American order of battle proved too strong against such thinly spread forces and they were able to work through to the towns perimeters.

Around 1030 hours, the first American soldiers had entered the eastern most town and although not immediately, the fate of the battle was probably sealed for the Germans. However, at this point in time, it is impossible to complete the final part of the report as the records for the battle have been mislaid. What we can discern is that the Americans probably, albeit slowly completed the victory as the Germans would have had no resources available to kick-out any enemy troops that did enter the town.

Sadly, when going to start the second session of this battle the set-up locations of the fortifications were mislaid. American victory appeared to be on the way when we left it the time before and we had to settle for that as the result. BUT, do watch this space. If the piece of paper is ever found the second part will be re-fought and perhaps the result here edited. As it stands, this was a standard attacker/defender battle which I felt gave the defender little choice and possibly chance ? For that, as acceptable but expected levels of fun, I give this a very standard 3

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