Panzer Grenadier Battles on June 2nd:
Broken Axis #35 - Operation Katja Scenario 3: Commence Operation Katja Broken Axis #36 - Operation Katja Scenario 4: Calculated Risk
Thirsty American troops lack energy to take Hill 53
Author GeneSteeler
Method Solo
Victor Japan
Play Date 2010-04-29
Language English
Scenario JuFi016

American Plan: Hit Japanese entrenchment with artillery and combined fire while advancing through the jungle south of the hill.

0900 – OPEN FIRE!!! Japanese infantry disrupted as American infantry advances.

0915 – Fire is exchanged and Japanese HMG demoralized.

0930 – Japanese HMG reduced by American HMG fire. Artillery strike hits hard (2X)!!! Japanese reinforce the entrenchment as Americans successfully assault (2X! again)

0945 – I and L Companies advance as infantry assaulting the entrenchment waits for HMG back-up.

Comment – Thirst from lack of water pushes the Americans to go for a swift victory.

1000 - Japanese direct fire is ineffective as Americans assault from the north.

Assaulting the Dug-in Japanese: Americans lose half a platoon! (1) Assaulting the Entrenchment: Americans lose half a platoon! (2) Japanese unaffected.

Gameplay note: Japanese rolled two sixes in their first fire. Americans rolled a one against the entrenchment. Perhaps the Americans should have fired instead of assaulted, as this would spare them from the risk of casualties

1015 – Americans reinforce the assaults and inflict some Japanese losses.

1030 – Final Assaults

Assaulting the Dug-in Japanese: Half Japanese HMG holds on. M2 on “18” column! Assaulting the Entrenchment: Japanese inflict casualties (3) and are unaffected by American fire. rolled another six. Americans roll an M2

Exhausted and thirsty, the Americans are called off.



The Americans came really close to taking the objectives. Unfortunately for the Americans they took too many losses from the great Japanese defenders.

Suffering too many casualties and unable to make significant headway, regimental staff called off the attack and call up the 2nd Battalion to finish off Hill 53 the next day.

And they were so close too!

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