Panzer Grenadier Battles on June 2nd:
Broken Axis #35 - Operation Katja Scenario 3: Commence Operation Katja Broken Axis #36 - Operation Katja Scenario 4: Calculated Risk
Russians are caught with their pants down.
Author GeneSteeler
Method Solo
Victor Germany
Play Date 2008-09-26
Language English
Scenario EFDx002

The time is 5am…

5:00am German forces, consisting mostly of regular infantry with a few heavy machine guns, move north. They are accompanied by a number of SdKfz222 armored cars, a few 81mm mortars and some 105mm artillery.

5:15am German elements continue sneaking northwest but encounter a dug-in Russian platoon. The Russians fire some shots into the dark but no casualties are inflicted. A klaxon sounds and Russian forces, strewn out towards the east begin moving west to assist their dug-in comrades.

5:30am Three German platoons assault the Russian infantry and eliminate them (not-so) silently, but swiftly. The Russian ‘line’ is broken and the German SdKfz222 races through. Russian forces continue their western migration and the enemy platoons begin to “bump” into each other in the dark.

German artillery fire whistles through the air and shatters some of the Russian defenders. The distant pounding of Russian 82mm mortars can be heard, but isn’t felt.

5:45am Lt Col. Chuck von Norris and two infantry platoons eradicate a Russian HMG nest in close assault. With nothing between them and the way to the naval base German troops begin to disappear north into the dark. The remainder of the troops make a safe corridor for their infantry guns and AA Guns, loaded on wagons, to traverse through.

6:00am A Russian half platoon, led by Lt Imdedikov, are cut down by German HMG while trying to “jam up the corridor”. German artillery is limbered for movement.

6:15am German small arms fire demoralizes most of the remaining Russians and Lt Col. Chuck von Norris and two infantry platoon disappear into the night.

6:30am – 7am The Russians begin to flee into the night as the German guns and mortars slowly advance as German infantry and HMG hold the passage.

7:15am Dawn breaks and the Germans spot three Russian platoons demoralized and fleeing, with only a single Russian platoon still “holding the line”. This last bastion of defence is shattered under a relentless German attack.

7:30am – 7:45am The last of the German forces heads north as the only Russian platoon, the mortars, takes pot shots, with little or no effect.

Victory to the Germans!

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