Panzer Grenadier Battles on June 2nd:
Broken Axis #35 - Operation Katja Scenario 3: Commence Operation Katja Broken Axis #36 - Operation Katja Scenario 4: Calculated Risk
Return to Verlautenhiede Filling the Gaps 2
Author waynebaumber (United States)
Method Dual Table Setup + Voice Chat
Victor Draw
Participants vince hughes (AAR)
Play Date 2011-10-14
Language English
Scenario WeWa004

This was a Skype FtF against Vince Hughes. I have played this before as an intro to PG for a newbie. This is a meeting engagement between two roughly equal forces played on a single map VC's are gained for town hex control and step losses. As the town is in the centre of the map the game follows a rather predictable pattern with a rush for the town followed by a short range battle of attrition. However this was an exciting and tense battle right to the last turn hence the high rating. As the US player my plan was to create a "killer stack" of a single M4,M3,HMG and INF with my best leader which would simply assault their way through the town I would feed reinforcements into this stack as required to replace INF casualties as and when required. This plan worked initially and caused the German commander to respond in kind result a stalemate eventually with both sides unable to attack for the fear of the result. I had had a lot of luck initially with German friendly fire causing casualties and coupled with my first assault being a success I was ahead by halftime (6 turns). The German commander then used his advantage in leaders (Alan had rolled for Vince a 2 morale leader and two 2 fire leaders) the former pushing German morale to 10 and the latter combing to make a strong fire group which would slowly blast away at any adjacent US force pushing them out of town hexes and causing step losses. The final turns saw some anxious VP counting on my part and I launched a late counterattack in effort to steal a town hex back or at least deny it to the enemy. This failed as in the assault all my units were demoralized thus not making the town uncontested (see Consim World PG forum for some arguments for and against this). Vince then bombarded the hex in an attempt to get more step losses, he was unlucky as both unit hung on with good morale rolls. At game end the Germans were just 2 steps short of victory thus a draw was as fair result. A great game, the only thing to step this getting a 5 rating was the scenario's predictability.

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