Panzer Grenadier Battles on June 2nd:
Broken Axis #35 - Operation Katja Scenario 3: Commence Operation Katja Broken Axis #36 - Operation Katja Scenario 4: Calculated Risk
Winter Soldiers #3 Dicy Proposition or The Dice were Loaded
Author PatC
Method Solo
Victor Germany
Play Date 2011-10-13
Language English
Scenario WiSo003

The Allies set up for all round defense of the town with no thought of trying to engage the Axis positions in the west end of town. The Allies had dug in on the bridge hex with a ATG, INF, M3 Halftrack and a 9-1-1 Lt.

The Axis naturally got their reenforcements on the first possible roll and instantly reenforced their western town hexs and began an assault on adjecent Allied positions. Meanwhile the Axis manuvered east of town to arrive in suitable assault positions before the bridge hex.

The allies were up to the Axis first rush. The Axis assault vs the bridge hex was repulsed because of it's piecemeal nature. The axis para's assault vs the foot bridge was repulsed by Lt. McKrackin and the ATGs and Inf. Finally the Axis assault into the town center was absorbed by the Allied Inf and HMG which counter assaulted causing Axis casulities.

But over the long run this could not continue. The Axis finally wore the Allies down. First at the bridge hex when, after knocking out the Allied ATGs with direct fire from stacked HMGs and 81mm morters, the Axis brought up 3 platoon of MkIVs to an adjecent hex to blast away at Allied foxhole positions. That is the 30 col up 1, (down 1 for being dug in, up two for being adjecent.) Then the Assault and counter assault in the town center finally was decided when the Allies just ran out of units to feed into the assault hex. Higher morale when reduced and superior leadership won the battle here. Fortunatly Lt. McKrackin (8-0-1) survived by escaping over the foot bridge into the woods to the north, bypassing the demoralized Axis paras who never did get back into the battle. He finished with a +6 points despite having become demoralized during the scenario.

Despite superior 81mm fire and OBA the Allies just could not hold on. Actually they did better than I thought they would at first glance. But as far as Axis firepower goes, they were loaded. And so were the dice.

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