Panzer Grenadier Battles on June 2nd:
Broken Axis #35 - Operation Katja Scenario 3: Commence Operation Katja Broken Axis #36 - Operation Katja Scenario 4: Calculated Risk
A struggle in Normandy
Author waynebaumber (Britain)
Method Dual Table Setup + Voice Chat
Victor Germany
Participants vince hughes (AAR)
Play Date 2011-09-30
Language English
Scenario BeNo040

Played against Herr Hughes over Skype over two shortish sessions. It is a dark night in Normandy, brave British Tommy’s have been tasked to advance towards the village of Cahier facing them are experienced and well led German soldiers of the 277th division who have formed a strong defensive line which include entrenchments and foxholes. To assist? searchlights were being bounced of low lying clouds to provide artificial moonlight and strong artillery support had been promised. A thrust on the southern flank using woods as light cover seemed to be the best option and at first the light infantry had some success but being unable to sustain the attack on the entire front allowed the cunning German commander to shuffle troops to the threatened sector. In a quick counterattack the Germans overwhelmed the armour support this stalled the attack for a while as the British leaders rallied their troops for a final effort. Regrettably the promised artillery support never came and this seemed to affect the troops who were unusually sluggish in the attack and as dawn broke the attack was called off. Although I was well beaten in the end getting no where near Cahier I too rate this scenario a 4, as Vince states there are enough variables to make each game different and there were two moments when I though I might break through. Herr Hughes set up was excellent and his retreat using smoke as cover at the end of the scenario was textbook stuff. I think that the German’s have the advantage (just) in this scenario but would be happy to take the Brits if I was to replay the scenario and have another crack at the 277th.

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