Panzer Grenadier Battles on June 2nd:
Broken Axis #35 - Operation Katja Scenario 3: Commence Operation Katja Broken Axis #36 - Operation Katja Scenario 4: Calculated Risk
Nihon Silk, scenario #3: Koepang, Day Two
Author JayTownsend
Method Solo
Victor Australia, Netherlands
Play Date 2011-09-04
Language English
Scenario NiSi003

Posting #1

*One small but important errata: The second group of Allied troops enter from the West edge of Board 34 NOT the East edge! My fault on this one.

*Ok, I having a go at day two and hoping not to repeat some mistakes I did with the Allies on day one, which they should have won but lost. Day two is even harder on the Allies in Koepang but I have learned and now I have an Australian Brigadier General leading the Australian & Dutch troops. The Japanese start with some remnants from day one as do the Allies but both have reinforcements on turn one. The Victory objectives are the same as day one, eliminating units for both sides, exiting units for the Japanese and preventing the two exiting hexes from being exited for the Allies. I am ready for the challenge or the second round!

Posting #2

*I just noticed, I forgot to use fire-first rule in the jungle on day one scenario! Dang, that would have made it a tighter game that scenario. Now back to day two!

*Learning my lesion from scenario #2, I decided not to confront the Japanese but to defend both exit points with an equal mix force of Dutch and Australians because the Australians have a higher morale value that really helps out against the Japanese 9/8 morale.

  • At his point the Japanese decided not to spilt their forces and go all out for one exit point on the map, the west one. After the Japanese had pretty much committed to a one exit point focus the Allies pulled most of their units guarding the Northern exit point to the battle in the middle which cause the Japanese to have to fight on two sides in many case. The Allies had some good dice rolls for a change and inflicted some good casualties. The Japanese were eventually able to exit some units off the West edge exit point but not enough. The Dutch/Australians win a minor victory and one point away from a major victory. The Japanese should have spilt their force like day one where they had more success. The Australian Engineer unit was useful to offset the Japanese assault in one of the major areas of fighting and the Australians General carried the day but as we all know, his army’s days were limited.
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