Panzer Grenadier Battles on June 2nd:
Broken Axis #35 - Operation Katja Scenario 3: Commence Operation Katja Broken Axis #36 - Operation Katja Scenario 4: Calculated Risk
Bicycle Races - Next Time Try Some Subtlety
Author vince hughes (Germany)
Method Face to Face
Victor Poland
Participants waynebaumber (AAR)
Play Date 2010-06-07
Language English
Scenario WhEa016

‘Bicycle Races ’

Brda River : 1st September 1939

Scenario played 7th June 2010

The Polish Army deployed forward during the September Campaign, hoping to slow the German advance long enough for their French allies to launch their own promised offensive into Germany. That meant that in some places, Polish troops were stretched very thin. One of these was along the Brda River in the so-called Polish Corridor, where the Pomorska Cavalry Brigade had only its attached cyclist squadron available to hold the line.

Two companies of infantry from the 3rd Panzer Division and 3 platoons of PzI’s were tasked with forcing the bridge over the Brda River. The Polish cycle squadron had deployed on the bridge in an arrowhead formation, with a 37mm AT gun behind the bridge and more troopers, but more importantly the excellent Kapitan Baumbowski. This was a man the troopers highly respected and would fight and die for. Morale would not be an issue in this battle.

The Germans advanced in a wide firing line, and initially, after laying down some concentrated fire on the now dug-in defenders, it appeared the 2 Polish platoons on the bridge were wavering. Seeing this, the 12 PzI’s sped forward. Just as the invaders closed in, Baumbowski had rallied these troopers and with his guidance, they astonishingly fought off the tank attack, dropping a few grenades down the metal-lumps turret-hatches too. The 37mm platoon also made hay in the target rich environment picking off tanks as they rolled onto the bridge itself. The German Major, seeing this mini-catastrophe ahead of him, once more directed well-aimed infantry fire at the bridge. Suddenly, under such a hail of bullets, more than an acceptable number of Pormorska Brigade’s troopers fell where they stood. Even with Baumbowski’s leadership efforts one may have asked “Was the battle swinging back the Germans way” ?

The German Major continued to direct his soldiers’ fire at the target and objective and with the attack nearing the 3 hour mark, events dramatically took a turn. If the German infantry thought they were about to seize the bridge, one solitary bullet ended those ideas. Imploring his company to greater deeds and directing fire hands-on, the Major, standing and shouting as he was, was struck through the temple by a 7.62mm bullet from enemy fire. Down he slumped to his knees and then forwards onto his face, laying motionless, and an inanimate shell of just 3 seconds before. After this brief 3 to 4 second pause, the sounds of battle became apparent again to those involved, and the German infantry withdrew. They would await further resources, lick their wounds and carry on at a future hour. For now though, the Poles would hold the crossing.

German casualties came to 12 PzI tanks and around 46 infantry and engineers combined. The Polish left some 45 fallen at the bridge, including that brave 37mm platoon that had wrought so much damage on the enemy’s tanks.

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