Panzer Grenadier Battles on June 2nd:
Broken Axis #35 - Operation Katja Scenario 3: Commence Operation Katja Broken Axis #36 - Operation Katja Scenario 4: Calculated Risk
Opening Moves
Author waynebaumber
Method Solo
Victor Germany
Play Date 2011-08-08
Language English
Scenario WoaP015

When after 6 months of waiting Workers & Peasants hit my door mat I could not wait to get into a big meaty scenario and this one is both big and meaty.A German division with excellent artillery, Luftwaffe support attacking a dug in Soviet division. The VC are pretty simple with the German having the choice of blasting a wide corridor across the two map boards or simply clearing two roads and the major town. As befits a big scenario (played solo) I considered both sides set ups totally separately. The RKKA went for a hedgehog defence covering the entire frontage keeping a company in reserve. The Germans went for a huge wedge with one flank resting on a board edge (the famous board edge creep attack) and using smaller Kampgruppes to pin as many Soviet forces in their initial positions. The initial attack went well with the German wedge rolling over the initial Russian front line units. The Soviets did regroup and for a while held the Germans at bay, while having realised the German intention tried to group a regiment to attack the extending German right flank. By Game Turn 16 the main German force was attacking the final Soviet line. The Russian commander launched his counterattack and though some ground was gained losses were very heavy due to continuous shelling and air attack. With the counterattack defeated the German commander he then turned his attention to the final defensive positions, these took all of the final 10 turns to clear with the last reduced Russian infantry demoralizing with the last morale check of the game. This resulted in a German major victory. I was going to rate this a 3 because it is a one sided scenario in as much the Soviet's do little but react to the German thrusts however any game of this size which goes down to the wire deserves a 4. I look forward to seeing if any one else tackles this one and reading their report.

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