Panzer Grenadier Battles on June 2nd:
Broken Axis #35 - Operation Katja Scenario 3: Commence Operation Katja Broken Axis #36 - Operation Katja Scenario 4: Calculated Risk
Stand Up
Author Matt W
Method Solo
Victor Germany
Play Date 2011-07-17
Language English
Scenario FiAx026

During the American Civil War, after the Peninsula Campaign, the Army of Northern Virginia executed a plan of daring and finesse against the Union's Army of Virginia, led by General Pope. Jackson's corps made a huge left hook and got to the Union Army's rear and went to ground. It was important to the entire plan that he be "found" so that the Union Army would be fixed against Jackson while Longstreet swept in and hit their flank.

Pope's Army, however, blundered about so badly that Jackson was forced to reveal himself by attacking a passing Union division. In the attack the two lines stood parallel to each other and blasted away. No assaults, just firepower.

This scenario is a meeting engagement and it revolves around a rush for certain territory, especially the town in the middle board. The Germans have superior mobility and a slight edge in initiative, giving them the odds to take the town, which in this case they did. The Slovaks set up a large infantry line, outside of the town and the SS moved up to engage. What followed was a two hour fire fight with the Slovaks slowly melting away. The goal, however, was to facilitate a left hook by the Slovaks with their tanks and cyclists to take the town from the rear.

The tanks did make it into the town but all that did was leave wrecks in the town at the end of the game. The cyclists were shot down by German guns on their way and never made it to the town. SS firepower was the deciding factor in this one as they were able to easily disperse the largest portion of the Slovak force of infantry and partisans from Direct Fire alone within those two hours, leaving them enough time to clean up behind them.

Note, unlike other scenarios of this segment of First Axis, the SS in this case are actually reasonably trained and carry a morale of 8/6 which permitted them to withstand the morale checks of the firefight. An interesting fight but one which is tough on the Slovaks. I give it a "3" for the head on crash.

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