Panzer Grenadier Battles on June 2nd:
Broken Axis #35 - Operation Katja Scenario 3: Commence Operation Katja Broken Axis #36 - Operation Katja Scenario 4: Calculated Risk
On a darkling Plain
Author filbox
Method Solo
Victor Slovak Republic
Play Date 2011-05-19
Language English
Scenario FiAx005

On the 23rd of march 1939, Hungary invaded Slovakia. Both armies were in a bad shape, but taken by surprise, the Slovakians gave ground at first. However, they checked the Hungarian advance within days. On the 25th, the Slovakians counterattacked with everything they had at hand to throw at the Hungarians.

Set up proved crucial for this battle and it was immediately clear that the Hungarian Ezredes Kovàcs had never heard of SunTsu. The Hungarian troops were divided into 2 groups, both defending the 2 main towns. The Slovakians took advantage by attacking the towns one by one, making good use of their superior numbers, artillery, air force and the much feared armored train.

While the Hungarian occupiers of Zavadka (the easternmost town) faced the near impossible task of holding out, a lot of Slovakian units bypassed the town to start preparations for attacking the next town. The Hungarians there witnessed the butchering of their comrades in Zavadka and when the Slovakian air force demolished a nearby AT platoon, Ezredes Kovàcs lost it and surged forwards to unleash some payback. The Slovakian recon force got cut off from the main force and within half an hour, they were destroyed. Only 2 demoralized units could flee the onslaught, and they did something that stunned the Hungarians: they fled to the town where the Hungarians came from. In his haste to clear the fields from any enemy troops, Kovàcs had emptied the town and now nobody was there to control this vital part of the battlefield! Uttering curses, Ezredes Kovàcs immediately sent troops to retake the town, but it was to late. The Slovakian women there received their fleeing countrymen with open… arms and nursed the demoralized units to good health before the Hungarians could oust them back out of the town.

The last remnants of the Hungarians in Zavadka got word that relieving forces were not coming, and this blow to morale was the final drop, they broke and Zavadka was lost. This freed up the Slovakian tank unit to hunt down some Hungarian wheelbarrows (F3000 & L35’s). Much to the Slovakian surprise, those wheelbarrows ambushed the Slovakian LT35 unit. They failed, but by doing so, they bought enough time and soon more Hungarian units joined the fight and the Slovakian tank unit perished. Big morale boost for the Hungarians! They only had to retake the so daftly lost town and Ezredes Kovàcs could show his face again, but fate under the guise of Slovakian artillery intervened. In the last hour of the battle it rained unbelievable death and mayhem amongst the dwindling Hungarians. Kovàcs died and retaking the town proved impossible.

And so it came to counting VP, both players claimed the battle since both knew that it would be close. The falling of both towns proved disastrous for the Hungarians: 49-40 for the Slovakians, and the result was a hard fought Slovakian minor victory!

Ezredes Kovàcs vowed to bring his own dice next time!

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